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Dead Man's Bluff

Dead Man's Bluff (2005)

May. 26,2005
| Comedy Thriller Crime

Sergei and Simon have to deliver a suitcase full of heroin to Mikhalych or else they will be killed. There is one minor detail: the only problem-solving technique they are familiar with is a shot in the head.


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There were times when Russians were making really good movies (especially comedies). Nowadays it seems that they are unsuccessfully trying to imitative American movies (i've watched some of their latest comedies and it seems like they're loosing their sense of humor too). This movie is an exception. Many people say that this is a rip off of "Snatch." but but to me this one is much better than "Snatch.". It is more funny and at the same time more violent. It have some similarities with "Snatch." but i noticed that there is a lot of similar crime movies, it doesn't mean that this one is a rip off of "Snatch.". The acting and directing were great, it proofs that there still are some talented people in Russia only they rarely get a chance to self-actualize. I noticed some plot holes but thats OK, the movie still was great.


This is one of those hate it or love it movies. I personally love this film.For one the dialogue is witty, moronic and amazing at the same time. The acting is nicely done, the soundtrack is amazing as usual. All in all, the life of crime during the 90's in provincial Russia is accurately portrayed.The action scenes are great and plentiful so its easy to pay attention. Not like its trying to deliver a philosophical message. The plot is very simple and the characters are memorable.If however,you are a sensitive viewer, stay away. There is a generous amount of graphic violence, torture, politically incorrect ideas and mild language. If you are a cynic or a Russian angry at the government of the time and this kind of material brings back bad memories, the black humour in this film will not be to your liking, so pass this one up. But if your are looking for a fun way to spend a little less than two hours, don't mind some blood and have an open mind, give this a try.

Igor Shvetsov

A mildly entertaining entry into a sub-genre of contemporary Russian black comedies.The simple plot involves a couple of moronic crooks assigned to fetch a briefcase packed with 'hell dust' that should be dispatched to a local mobster. The briefcase shortly slips off their hands and they hunt down a trio of other misfits that looted the delivery. In a desperate attempt to get the booty back, at any cost, they undertake a deadly journey leaving gory heaps of dead bodies behind. (McNaughton's Lee Lucas looks pale in comparison).It's a routine scheme with no good guys around. The only police officer (militsioner) available here, which is normally supposed to protect the law, is a scum.The leads are quite adequately depicted, if slightly exaggerated (especially Dyuzhev's overly dumb and reckless thug).However Mikhalkov's Mikhalych, albeit amusing for the most part, looked tiresome at times (contrary to expectations) and, alas, not always convincing.There is a really witty ploy - to introduce that inquisitive kiddie-fatso hanging about aimlessly in every scene with Mikhalkov, including that horrendous mortuary room with dozens of naked cadavers and pools of blood.Many first rate actors (Bashirov, Krasko, Andrei Panin, Serebryakov, Sukhorukov, Makovetsky, et al.) have sadly minor roles or were even reduced to cameo appearances. It looks like the creators had an enormous task to engage as many renowned names as possible.SPOILER ALERT: Do not expect any profound and imaginative ideas or, at least, an authentic grasp of modern Russian realities.Graphic violence, torture, humiliation, fountains of blood, cold-blooded and grisly murders that abounds throughout almost entire length of the movie, serve, as later discovered, to the single benefit of the abrupt pinnacle that lasts, sadly, too short to be enjoyable. And the most disappointing, IMHO, is that, with the exception of the more elegant new clothes, any other changes in our lead characters could hardly be spotted.A BOTTOMLINE: Foreigners! - Quiver with disgust, this is the portrayal of Russia as most of you have always dreamt of. You might be guessing how we manage to survive here. So are we...


It was a great time of true freedom. The only freedom portrayed in this movie is the freedom to kill. As if mafia style killings are non-existent now... Why do they try to make the 90s look awful? Because as usually in Russia the production is financed by the government which is "bringing back law and order after dark years of Yeltsin era"?Performance is poor. Actors do successfully portray imbecility and nothing else. I guess this was their task but otherwise there is no directing. The plot is weak. Some scenes and characters make no sense. This is the usual feature of a modern Russian movie. Star cast. Every character is played by some sort of star and it does not matter that this particular star does not fit or appears only for several seconds. Do they respect themselves? Do they think a movie would fall apart without their blessed appearances? Disappointing 3/10. Should be less, but I am sentimental about the time.
