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Cold Weather

Cold Weather (2010)

March. 13,2010
| Drama Comedy Thriller Mystery

A guy who moves back to Portland, Oregon becomes involved in the mystery of his ex-girlfriend's disappearance.


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This movie was fantastic. Others have commented that it was slow, it was boring. Yes, to begin with it was slow, but never boring. I really liked the slow pace where scenes would last for what seemed like minutes and you got to observe the various emotions playing over the characters' features, plus the outside panning shots showed some pretty interesting scenery. What a contrast to many films that go at such a pace one has difficulty catching one's breath.The actors, all of them, were totally excellent, especially the lead character, Doug. His life seemed to be destined to one continuous drudgery, and then up pops a mystery that reawakens his forensic skills.And then the second half of the movie starts, almost without one realising it and suddenly we are thrust into a cat-and-mouse situation, which is one of the best I've ever watched. I've only two gripes: why did they not stop as soon as convenient and screw the plate back on, so as not to attract attention from the law? And second, it was a shame in a way that the movie finished so abruptly. But in hindsight, it was all done and dusted by then and we knew that our heroes had all won, so at that point there isn't really anything much else the director could have done except switch off the camera. There are plenty of loose ends, anyway, for one to ponder on what came next.Marvellous!


I was excited for this movie because I live in Portland, OR. While the scenery is beautiful, this is the only thing good about this movie. I didn't expect great acting because of the low budget, but I was hoping for something of a coherent story. I didn't receive this. The only tension and excitement I felt while watching this came three minutes before the movie ended, and went nowhere. It is almost as if the writer had the script half finished and got bored of writing, so he just went with what he had. None of the characters or reactions are believable.This is probably the worst movie I have seen all year, and I watch a lot of movies.


I won't address the story of Cold Weather in detail, because I think the less you know of it, the better. But if you do need story details in advance, I'm sure they're easily found in the movie synopsis or other reviews.  I'd just like to cover a few points about why I liked it. First of all, it's pretty awesome how Cold Weather mixes the everyday, mostly uneventful, almost boring lives of their characters with surprising levels of mystery and tension. It's not often the word "realistic" fits a film as aptly as it does this movie. Second, I thought it ended much too quickly and abruptly, which is actually a partial compliment. For one, I wasn't ready for it to be over, and it ended in an unexpected and non-formulaic way. Third, this was simply one of the freshest movie experiences I've had this  year, and I expect that it will be even better upon subsequent viewings. The closest thing I can think of to compare it to is Winter's Bone. Not because the stories are similar, but because they center around realistic, un-stylized characters that make small, personal events seem more urgent and engrossing than the world-ending, massively bombastic plots of some much bigger films. With that said, I definitely think the audience for Cold Weather is more narrow than broad. It's by no means a perfect movie. The plot relies on coincidence after coincidence, and that may be hard for some to swallow. It's also a slow-burner throughout, and that may bore some people. Slow-paced doesn't necessarily mean boring or bad in my opinion, though, so I don't hesitate in giving Cold Weather my approval.


this starts off being an OK kind of movie. Interesting quirky characters, and, you think 'ahh there will be some mystery when the ex-girlfriend disappears (which for about 5minutes there is). Then, the guy does a bit of research(still interesting), cracks some codes, finds his ex. The acting was OK, the main character, for a man, was a real washout, and quite wimpy. I honestly am not really sure why he had a girlfriend in the first place. He really does seem more gay than straight. His poor friend, from the 'ice' factory, who decides to bum off work and help him in his mission to find the 'ex', only gets to sit in a motel room, and, chase after a truck in the parking lot, other than that, he doesn't see any action.The films end up with said guy and ex as they sit in a car, and the film ends :O Say no more..... it's really a let down. I think the writer had an off day or spilt coffee over the end of their script.
