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In a Heartbeat

In a Heartbeat (2017)

June. 01,2017
| Animation Comedy Romance

A closeted boy runs the risk of being outed by his own heart after it pops out of his chest to chase down the boy of his dreams.


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You have to watch it for yourself. This little, cute film shows that being gay, straight, and anything in between isn't just about sexual attraction. It's about romantic, love-attraction. I grew up in a small town where I often heard that "gay people only care about sex." This piece of art illustrates beautifully, humorously, and seriously that that just isn't true.


When I saw this up on Youtube, I honestly thought it was from Pixar because of how it looked and how it behaved towards me as a viewer! I thought the animation was well done and yes I was teary when both boys were holding onto the heart while it was cracking. It just reminds of a broken heart you experienced when you were once in a relationship. Literally, you are lucky if you haven't experienced it yet lol! Anyways this little movie was such a great idea to make. There really isn't enough animated movies that haven't touched on gay relationships. Normally its always the story about the girl and the guy wanting to be together. However I would like to see Beth and Esteban be employed with Pixar so that they make a difference in showing off gay romance in all kids cartoon movies. The film industry needs a serious upgrading like!Well done Beth and Esteban for making this come true and congrats on graduating recently! :)


And this is not art. This is just another short film in the current trend of "let's make animated films that are basically kids movies but sell them to teenagers and young adults because they feel nostalgic for Pixar and haven't yet found out what good cinema is" except that this has a gay twist which means if you hate it, clearly you must be a conservative asshole. But really what does this 'short film' bring to the table? There have been countless short films about young (gay) lovers and there have been probably even more good animated short films that actually try a new style. This just is as clichéd as it gets, just imitate Pixar, make it gay and voila you just tricked the masses who have no appreciation for cinema or short films into thinking "RIGHT WINGERS WILL HATE THIS, THIS HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE". The gag with the heart popping out was kinda cute but the whole love story went way too fast and was predictable the whole way through. Spend your 4 minutes on any other short movie you find.


This short captured so well what it is like to be in the closet and have a crush on someone. You can't tell anyone not even your closest friends and you are desperate to keep your feelings hidden for fear they would reveal you were gay. This film takes the common cliché of exploring a high- school crush and put a new spin on it. For me this film struck a chord and the way that it has gone viral fills me with hope that we are moving in a positive direction as a society. And for the review criticizing the suggestion about a lot of kids can be homophobic at times, I'm sorry to say but from my experience as a young teenager, I was teased before I even came out and people would always had a negative view of homosexuality at least where I lived. It was only in the late teens and people matured that people become more accepting. I think it definitely has something to do with teenage insecurity. Here's to hoping this short gets the recognition it deserves.
