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Logan (2017)

March. 03,2017
| Drama Action Science Fiction

In the near future, a weary Logan cares for an ailing Professor X in a hideout on the Mexican border. But Logan's attempts to hide from the world and his legacy are upended when a young mutant arrives, pursued by dark forces.


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Logan is the final movie in terms of Hugh Jackman's wolverine and possibly Patrick Stewart's Charles.In an alternative timeline all of the X-Men are gone. Wolverine and Charlas are the only ones that are left as Wolverine is getting old and week in terms of heal, while Charlas is getting sick.Both Charles and Logan discover a girl by the name of X-23 who has the same powers as Logan. But unlike logan she only has two claws and they must keep her safe and unite her with the next generation of mutants.This was a satisfying pay off as Hugh Jackman's last movie as Wolverine, when there was dreama or action it didn't feel forced and the best part is that the movie is R rated.If you loved both Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jackman as their characters or just generally loved their movies. I am telling you now you are in for a treat,


Logan is a superhero movie on the surface, but a Western movie at heart. It brings the kinds of stories that are already present in comic books of the last 60 years to the screen in ways that are accessible to people who don't already know them, but even BETTER for those of us who have this kind of character memorized. In the actual comic-book story of Logan's fight with The Reavers, he gets crucified and left for dead; too much? Most importantly, this is the closest to the actual character of Wolverine the movies are ever likely to give us, so it deserves to be listed among the top movies of the year.


Title. this movie is the best movie to end off the Logan saga.


Unfortunately I did not enjoy this at all, mostly because I did not like this vision of the X-Men. The film plays more like a drama than a fantasy superhero film and the (very little) effects are mediocre compared to the previous films. Wolverine is a passive, pathetic character that actually deserves to die. The film is also unbearably noisy at times with way too much yelling and screaming. I'll conveniently forget I've seen this. Wolverine was brilliant in the three X-Men films, and X-Men Origins, which explained how he became Wolverine. The Wolverine followed his adventures after 'X-Men: The Last Stand', and then already did I get a feeling there were nothing more to tell about this character. 'Logan' therefore was an unnecessary installment. We learn that he has a daughter - a cloned daughter! Seriously, I hope they don't clone Wolverine for another sequel...Dafne Keen was fantastic as his daughter and I predict a great future for her.
