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A Cure for Wellness

A Cure for Wellness (2017)

February. 17,2017
| Horror Science Fiction Mystery

An ambitious young executive is sent to retrieve his company's CEO from an idyllic but mysterious "wellness center" at a remote location in the Swiss Alps but soon suspects that the spa's miraculous treatments are not what they seem.


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A lot of the people I recommend this movie to were reluctant to watch it because of its lenght. 2 and a half hours may seem like a while, but with such an oddly intriguing story it doesn't feel like it. I've seen shorter movies that seemed longer than this one did. The cinematography was absolutely stunning and everything was presented in such a green light, literally everything seemed to have green undertones, which kind of surprised me at the beginning, but seemed normal as the story progressed. The acting was absolutely stunning, I loved how you only found out everything about the characters at the end. The plot was a bit odd, but it was refreshingly so. It wasn't like anything I had seen before and I absolutely loved its originality. 9.5/10


I love horror and suspense, and I am in love with beautiful camera work. This film delivers a competent standard horror/thriller product, but there were so many times when I wanted more. The sanitarium in the mountains, with an evil leader who bears strange resemblance to the pieces of history that we pick up along the way, is stuffed with twists and turns that you can anticipate.The young tender girl who accompanies him to the town, for instance -- did anyone not know from the start what her character was all about?Pembroke is a broken and empty human being. What good could he do if he returned to the company in New York? He is a lost cause from the start. This is not logical.There are a dozen cliche-driven characters in this film, and I got tired of the scenes trying to create suspense by purposely dragging out the "scary" moments. Even the beautiful camera work got on my nerves after a while. Sure, center things and move the camera slowly forward -- do tons of reaction shots of our hero looking baffled -- return to the object, in the center of the screen again, and inch forward -- another reaction shot -- this could take up my whole life.I'm giving it six out of ten because is it competent, moderately intelligent, and the scenery and sets are beautiful. But I kind of knew from the start where the story was taking us, and I am tired of this.


The Good:Gorgeous sceneryBoobies and legs. The flaunting babe was hotNot the usual jaded sequel/prequelGreat message about what's important The Bad:Grin at the end hints at a sequel (snore!)Little explanation or believabilityThe nature of the relationship revelation at the end seems to have been inserted to make Ivanka and Donald fans happy (Donald and Ivanka followers put this sentence in the 'good' column)


Excellent reviews on here, even those that rate it fairly low. Almost like being in film school to read. I'm going to have to watch a 3rd time. Like in an Agatha Christie, there are a lot of evidence points but then also many smallish reveals so the longish time actually is well spent. Nobody wants to leave that island in the sky because life there is so nice?! Yeah, right... Just keep away from pickle jars.
