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Sin City

Sin City (2005)

April. 01,2005
| Action Thriller Crime

Welcome to Sin City. This town beckons to the tough, the corrupt, the brokenhearted. Some call it dark… Hard-boiled. Then there are those who call it home — Crooked cops, sexy dames, desperate vigilantes. Some are seeking revenge, others lust after redemption, and then there are those hoping for a little of both. A universe of unlikely and reluctant heroes still trying to do the right thing in a city that refuses to care.


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This is what we could call an accurate adaptation of a comic book into a movie. This is what it could be the best adaptation of something like this. It has many of the images similar to the comic ones and that's something very good.It tells the story of three different men who have to deal with the criminal problems that are around Basin City. This might not be very well summed up, but it's better to watch it by yourself. The three main stories are interconnected with each other in a very good way, with some characters appearing in other stories, or with the mention of certain places or actions. Although there were some parts I felt like I was missing something in the story, but I could not tell what exactly was missing.One of the best parts of the movie is the whole cast, and despite being a lot of great actors, they all have time to shine, even if it's a few minutes. From Bruce Willis, Michael Rourke, Clive Owen, Benicio del Toro or Elijah Wood, to Jessica Alba, Carla Gugino, Rosario Dawson, Alexis Bledel or Jaime King. I specially loved the characters of Michael Rourke, Rosario Dawson and Bruce Willis.The other great thing are the visuals. I think I have never seen something like this before. It is like a direct copy of the comic pictures and the visuals used are amazing, all in black and white except in some cases where you can see the red of the blood or the yellow and golden of the hair. If I have something bad to say about it it's that the music at parts felt like out of place in comparison with the images, for example when Hartigan (Bruce Willis) is entering in the Roark Farm, that part was a bit odd fitting the images, but there were also other parts where it fitted very well. A very recommendable movie for all the comic book or graphic novel fans and also for all of those who enjoy a lot R rated movies. Also I have to say that Quentin Tarantino was an invited director in one of the stories so if you're a fan of him, you will also enjoy this a lot."Turn the right corner in Sin City, and you can find anything..."


I first saw this when it first hit cinemas and only after I caught this again on late night TV, that remembered just how stupid Sin City really is. I'm not going to waste time by reiterating what it's all about as there are over 1500 reviews for that, so this is me simply weighing in on how dumb I feel this is.I get that this is taken from a comic book and this is supposed to be a faithful adaptation done in a film noir style but all that was running through my mind was just how pointless this entire movie is. What surprises me is just how many good actors signed up for this nonsense. Everything is in black and white except for the occasional colour splash by way of red shoes, red Cadillac, blue eyes, blonde hair etc etc. I never got the excessive violence and I've never really been a fan of vigilante justice movies. Violence itself doesn't bother me, but I'm not watching a horror movie here and there's more torture and gore in this than most horrors I've seen. Every male in this is designed as a mouth- breathing, blood-crazed waste of space and all the females are nothing more than scantily clad gun-toting, knife wielding whores. Practically everybody carries guns or some kind of concealed weapon, cops are worse than useless and virtually no one is ever held accountable for their actions. Cops pull people over for a broken tail light but no one cares about mass murder. I suppose that I'd be considered as unenlightened for hating such a one dimensional piece of crap like this and this review will be deliberately considered as unhelpful out of spite, but even with the unrelenting scenes of violence and indiscriminate killing strewn through the whole movie, it makes for a very boring experience and the ongoing narration of people's thoughts gets tiresome. The one star I gave this is apt for such a dumb movie.


I've been meaning to rewatch this film for quite some time. I'm a massive fan of Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror. The Grindhouse films that came out a few years ago was one of the greatest theater experiences I had. I recall being slightly disappointed with Sin City: A Dame to Kill For although it was still decent. After rewatching the film I feel just about the same about the first film; its a wonderful visual experience and wholly engaging.The film is based on Frank Miller's graphic novel and tells the tale of a few select characters. Themes of revenge and putting out crime are strong in this film. Its a neo-noir film shot in comic book style black and white with select color for some things (such as blood and the Yellow Bastard!). Its stylistically slick, an absolute joy to look at. The film is in noir form so we have the protagonist of each segment telling us what's going on. The film is detailed and violent. Sex blood and fighting reign supreme.The film has got a load of great characters and actors at the helm. Robert Rodriguez works with some names that he was linked with in the past. This time around I watched what I think was the extended cut of the film. Which I don't actually think was extended but rather each segment was in order with its parts and each segment had ending credits. It doesn't really change the experience of the film and is still just as enjoyable this way.I can see why Robert Rodriguez planned the sequel. His work usually do get additional films though they often end up being not up to par with the original. Unfortunately, this was the same with A Dame to Kill For. I actually would like to give a sequel a re-watch though as I may have more positive feelings about it at this time. All I know is that Robert Rodriguez should get credit for going outside the box with his work, sometimes it doesn't work but at least he attempts to be innovative.8/10


*Spoiler/plot- Frank Miller's- Sin City. A cop with heart problems and a vow to protect a young girl; a misanthrope outcast on a mission to avenge the death of his one true love, and a tough girl boyfriend's spends his life defending his love.*Special Stars- Jessica Alba, Benicio Del Toro, Mickey Rourke, Clive Owen, Bruce Willis, Elijah Wood.*Theme- Life is tough and then you die.*Trivia/location/goofs- Watch for all the digital scenery in this green screen film. Also name actors are made up in bizarre rubber makeups to be comic book looking characters much like Touchstone's 'Dick Tracy' with no plot positive social values. A bummer film, if you like that kind of entertainment.*Emotion- If you want you comics to be 'dark', go see a much better film, 'Watchmen". A 'care little' plot of misfits doing violence and anti-social actions that culminate in a boring operatic story with little redeeming value to be tragically 'hip'. A film experiment that goes wrong for the audience unless you're a shallow kid.*Based on- Frank Miller's comics.
