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Source Code

Source Code (2011)

April. 01,2011
| Thriller Science Fiction Mystery

When decorated soldier Captain Colter Stevens wakes up in the body of an unknown man, he discovers he's part of a mission to find the bomber of a Chicago commuter train.


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The concept of this movie is strong enough for a sequel or a remake. A few adjustment here and there and it could have been much better. Nevertheless it is worth more then one viewing: there is suspense, and twist turns that are interesting.


Source Code is one of my favorite movies of all time! It's sublimely acted and directed, and many of the plothole-y problems others have had with it, do seem quite far fetched, but still plausible to me. (Spoilers beneath)One question many people have is where the mind of the history teacher goes when his body is taken over. My initial thought was that it just gets erased, or replaced, like a CD that you could burn. This only adds to an intriguing perspective; whether this is ethically right.Another interesting ethical question this movie rises, is whether lives in a parallel universe matter. Our protagonist cares a lot about the passengers on the train, but does their alternate existence matter at all in a universe where they've already died?What I loved was that there is - apart from the bomber, of course - no real bad guy in the end of the movie. In the part where Colleen wants to accept the wishes of Colter and let him die, the actions of the Doctor are equally good, just from a different standpoint. Colleen wants relieve Colter of his tormenting state of artificial consciousness, which ends up giving him a second life which he loves, instead of the mental imprisonment he would have to endure. However, the Doctor's need to keep him alive is of greater humanitarian benefit, as Colter could help to prevent future catastrophes.The ending is absolutely perfect in my opinion. Colter sending the email to Colleen gives her just enough clues to the outcome of the Source Code experiment, and the Doctor's comment about the experiment not having been done in this universe really reminds you how different, yet similar this universe is to the original. It also provides the most intriguing question of the film: Has this been done before? Have the instructions that Colter gives to Colleen been given in the first universe as well? Thus, is the first universe already a artificially created one by Source Code? In conclusion: Source Code is a non-stop thrill ride that keeps you guessing throughout the movie, and provides answers as our protagonist is figuring it out as well. It's intelligent, beautifully shot and created, thought provoking and just a ton of fun. 10/10, must see!


So I watched this movie after having watched Tom Cruise's Edge of Tomorrow, which represent the same idea, but then, I realized Source Code is older, and makes more sense nevertheless (To me at least) and all you have to have as an film environment is a train where the problem as a whole lies. Jake Gyllenhaal perfected his role once again, the ending leaves you confused, it gives you mixed signals of whether it is a happy or sad ending.The movie isn't long, it's 1h30min only, somehow the movie loses a bit of steam midway but then regains it.Awesome. 8.5/10


This a very late review. I saw the movie back in 2011 and 2 other times since now in 2017.Generally is a good sci-fi thriller that for me is ruined by its preposterous ending.Mind though that the cinematic ending isn't the original. Hollywood producers insisted for a happy ending so they ruined the movie putting a ridiculous twist that simply doesn't make any sense.So, go and see it. Its production is good and there is the proper amount of suspense to make it interesting. I like Michelle Monaghan's performance in this, and Jeffrey Wright's up to a point, but Jake Gyllenhaal is looking to nervous in the lead.
