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Mojin: The Lost Legend

Mojin: The Lost Legend (2015)

December. 28,2015
| Adventure Fantasy Action

At the beginning of the 1990s, famous tomb explorer Hu Bayi decided to retire and move to the United States with his girlfriend Shirley. But before his wedding, Bayi discovers his first love Ding Shitian, who supposedly had died in the "One Hundred Cave" 20 years ago, is actually still alive. Together with Shirley and his old exploration partner, Bayi unravels a terrible millennium-old secret...


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Just like 'Tomb Raider' this is another perfect example of amazing action sequences and stunning visuals compensating an average plot. So, if it's non-stop action you're looking for, you'll definitely find it here. The cinematography was also awesome! I enjoyed the archaeological aspect as well as the setting in the huge tomb. Angelbaby did her best Angelina Jolie impression but was not as convincing and did not seem determined enough. I enjoyed the friendship/rivalry between long-term friends Hu Bayi and Wang. The film has a lot of silly slapstick humor, but the entertainment value was far greater. This was funny, thrilling, exciting and super entertaining. It may not be a perfect movie, but it is a perfect action adventure fantasy!

Compton Seelz

I actually created an IMDb account just to write this short review. This movie is terrible. Not only does it make absolutely no sense, there isn't one character who is even remotely likable. The main characters fight and work at cross purposes for no apparent reason. The motivations for characters are unclear. I was hoping this movie was going to end with every character dying and an on-screen apology from the production company. Sadly, I was disappointed again. Avoid this film if you are planning on following dialogue or enjoying a plot. If you want to see some stuff explode and some sub-par comic relief, by all means watch.

devesh pant

This movie just like Indiana Jones adventures, fun, suspense, love etc. but here instead of one hero there are two heroes and a girl. This movie plot is somehow related to the Indiana Jones but this movie is also as good as Indiana Jones and one scene is there when one of the guys got trapped in illusion in the end of movie is very good. Mostly you feel the touch of Indiana Jones in this movie. The maker of this movie must be very big fan of Indiana Jones. In the movie they showed us that the three of them used to steal treasure from the tomb and in the tomb there are lots of traps they are expert of it but something happen once so they gave up this profession. Someone come to one of the guy and told him to steal from the tomb just as they used to do it and ready to give lots of money. Firstly one of the guys goes alone than after sometime other two followed him and reached there then they solved lots of mysteries and puzzles. So, movie is very good you will like it if you are fans of Indiana Jones type movies you will love this movie.

Do Tien

I rarely watch Chinese movies and dramas, but there's a formula in almost every single title I've encountered: the cast is full of dumb side-characters with no brain cell just to make the main characters look cooler than they actually are, which they actually aren't. And often, none of the cast is memorable or like-able, and neither is the plot.Mojin-The Lost Legend's production value is high. That's what you can tell from the very first moment you see the movie. If you wonder how great the visual and audio is, just watch the trailer. However, I'm afraid the trailer already shows all this movie offers. Everything else is just... awful.As I said, the visual can not save this movie's 5-year-old plot. This movie has lots of suspenseful sequences (4 as long as I can remember), but that's all there is to it. The entire movie's plot revolves around triggering these sequences by whatever reasons just to showcase the visual, the effects, CGI, etc. Let me list some instances where side characters acted like they were brain-dead just for those oh-so-cool scenes to happen:1st sequence: We saw some weird-looking thingies. One of our member said those were dangerous. To hell with it, let's destroy them! -> Sh*t happened, lots of people died. Whew!2nd (Just after 1): Hey. Those weird-looking thingies are here again. Our people just died? I don't f*cking care! Let's destroy them again. "We are materialists. We are not scared of anything!" <- Sh*t happens, running like chickens later.3rd sequence: We are in someplace dangerous and full of traps. The experts said do not touch anything. Wow! There's that thing we were looking for. Let's touch it immediately! -> You can imagine the end.4th time: Our people just died. Experts said don't wander aimlessly. Why the h*ll should I care? I go where I want to -> die immediately after.5th sequence: There's that thing we were looking for, AGAIN! Our people just died from touching the same thing. Oh f*ck we want it so bad. So let me take it! And I'm sorry I don't like wearing gloves despite our people just died from touching the very same thing. Hah! At this point I did not care about any of the side characters anymore. They were either brain-dead or suicidal or both. If I want to watch a movie about them, I would not watch this movie in the first place.And the main characters, they were okay at most. The movie depicts them as "Legendary Mojin" but fails to deliver. There were nothing impressive about them in the film. There were some instances where the hero could showcase his "wit", but it is delivered in such an awful way that you might not understand anything and think the writer of this movie was just feeding us bullsh*t in order to make the main hero looks "smart".The heroine, if you has some understanding about Japanese culture, is a "tsundere". She was okay, but her character was not invested enough in my opinion. There was no back-story explaining why and when she met the main hero and how their relationship developed. She was just... there, in the present, insulting the protagonist almost every instance she talked (even though it was obvious she was insulting him because she loved him so much.Hah!); however, in the end, BOOM!, they became a couple. A movie just could not be done right without a happy ending and romance, right?In conclusion, if you just want to watch some cool suspenseful sequences and do not care about the plot and how illogical the characters are, this movie is perfect for you. However, if you are looking for something more than just an eye-candy, look elsewhere. This movie is not for those looking for logic and realism.
