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Gods of Egypt

Gods of Egypt (2016)

February. 26,2016
| Adventure Fantasy Action

A common thief joins a mythical god on a quest through Egypt.


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Poor Cinematic. Actors have poor acting (except for Gerard Butler). Story is dull.


Europeans of Egypt is yet another demonstration of the white supremacy "liberal" Hollywood propagates at every juncture. They even included their typical token black character to ease their hypocritical consciences. Now that I know (according to Hollywood) Europeans ruled Egypt as Kings, Queens, and Gods my education is complete.It is extremely unfortunate that due to their inherit racism, Hollywood glorifies all things historically white such as Greece, Rome, and England. I can't even count the amount of movies based on these three civilizations. The extremely rare occasion Hollywood puts money into a period-based, non-white civilization, they cannot resist themselves and must use even those civilizations to glorify White Supremacy by inserting Europeans into the roles of leadership, royalty, and now Gods.I am sorry if this reality stings a few toes, which is not my intent. I am just sick to my teeth of Hollywood liberals claiming to be about inclusiveness, yet when it comes to the rubber meeting the road, their White Supremacy films are anything but. The overall imaginary premise gave this film potential. Unfortunately the dull writing, clumsy plot, and cartoony CGI fails to meet any mark. Europeans of Egypt imaginary effects is barely one step ahead of the 1930's Flash Gordon.If you just want to see a movie with special effects and lousy CGI, you will love this movie. Some will also enjoy the white supremacy aspect of Europeans ruling ancient Egypt as Gods. Hollywood is the most racist institution in America. They have just become slightly more subtle with it compared to the days of their greatest creation, the late actor Stepin Fetchit (look him up if you don't believe me).


This movie was a journey that went to a lot of places but still didn't go anywhere. There were good actors in this movie but the dialogue was just comical. The CGI was also in some places like Play-Doh stop motion. It was such a mess this movie that it ended up being somewhat entertaining. Watch it just so you can have a giggle that they spent 140 million making it and have just this to show for it.


Just saw this on Netflix... what a monstrosity... CG wasn't terrible, but the live action compositing WITH that CG was god awful. Granted there were some very ambitious shots, but those involved clearly didn't know how to direct, shoot and post-produce an effects film. Had some deep pockets for the EXCESS CG work though.. Story was about as deep as an 80s adventure video game, and with very average acting, probably due to being entirely green screen, and with all the nonsense human/god height differences.
