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Are You Here

Are You Here (2014)

August. 22,2014
| Comedy

When Steve Dallas, a womanizing local weatherman, hears that his off-the-grid best friend Ben Baker has lost his estranged father, the two return to Ben's childhood home. Once there, they discover Ben has inherited the family fortune, and the ill-equipped duo must battle Ben's formidable sister and deal with his father's gorgeous 25-year old widow.


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Reno Rangan

It was something different, if you are fed up with the same old, the same old storylines keep repeating in all the Hollywood films. That made me keep watching it. Never was boring, but definitely should have been better in the overall story section. Because it looks more a cinematic than the real. Especially Owen Wilson character. Only fools let him near them as whatever happened in the film. But that's quite perfected since Zach's role was close to one.This is about two friends, one works in a new channel and the other one a hippie. When one of their rich father dies, they return to the hometown, that's going to change their fortune forever. But within siblings, a conflict arises and in the following events told how everything unfolds. I liked the cast. It was a wonderful combination. It was a comedy, though not a hard hitting one, neither a message film. Just a timepass film. For once watching, it is not a bad at all.6/10


Movie felt all over the place. At times it had crude humor then what I assumed was suppose to be heart felt moments which just seemed as bad acting. Add a lot of cheesy clichés and that's about it. Under my interpretation, the movie is to provoke one to think, is one way of life better than the other. It tries to be deep but nah. I would assume a 14 year old boy wrote this movie 😂

Gregorio Jait

Thing is, this is not comedy, definitely not a classic romance story. The message it delivers is a hint of a more deep line. The false reality of things we are teach to want... Sure the story has a couple problems whit internal integrity and coherence, but the characters feel real !! real people... not some cartoon sister craving for the gold or a "hippie" against the system. Its truly remarkable the work the actors did to (at least in my case)make me forget it was a Hollywood movie. And i believe that the same thing i found so amazing is why is underrated. Its really not commercial. Most of todays indie films are gross commercials productions (all comedies sure are), the only thing that changes is the public, a more refined public or a less one. Doesn't matter... Profit does. "Are you here" doesn't try to be more that what it is.. and that is refreshingP.S The physical change of Galifianakis is comparable to that of Christian Bale in "the machinist"


I firstly read the reviews in IMDb and even the genre...which i feel is incorrect...should be classified as a drama. It has it's comedic moments. And i think the reason why everyone is so confused about this movie is because if you have no experience with depression or bipolar disorders....it will miss the mark...which in this case it has. It deals with the cultural society of acceptance and conformity. The reason why we enjoy the character in the beginning is because of his free-wheeling spirit and eventually after the medication has set in...it's conformity to a society who so quickly Ostracises the different individuals for their own individuality. yes it has serious tones...but as i pointed out earlier...unless you have experience with people who suffer from these conditions...you will not comprehend the depth of this movie. It's heartwarming and sincere and sad...and deals a lot with Owen Wilsons' feelings surrounding the fact that he has lost a dear friend and now has a stranger he has to get to know all from over.
