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Clear and Present Danger

Clear and Present Danger (1994)

August. 03,1994
| Drama Action Thriller

Agent Jack Ryan becomes acting Deputy Director of Intelligence for the CIA when Admiral Greer is diagnosed with cancer. When an American businessman, and friend of the president, is murdered on his yacht, Ryan starts discovering links between the man and drug dealers. As former CIA agent John Clark is sent to Colombia to kill drug cartel kingpins in retaliation, Ryan must fight through multiple cover-ups to figure out what happened and who's responsible.


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Hopefully someone will post how to get an uncut copy of the movie. Hopefully someone will post how to get an uncut copy of the movie. Hopefully someone will post how to get an uncut copy of the movie. Hopefully someone will post how to get an uncut copy of the movie. Hopefully someone will post how to get an uncut copy of the movie. Hopefully someone will post how to get an uncut copy of the movie. Hopefully someone will post how to get an uncut copy of the movie. Hopefully someone will post how to get an uncut copy of the movie. Hopefully someone will post how to get an uncut copy of the movie. Hopefully someone will post how to get an uncut copy of the movie.


CIA Analyst Jack Ryan is drawn into an illegal war fought by the US government against a Colombian drug cartel. Clear and Present Danger is as good as the previous movie although it takes the problems that the previous film kinda suffered too which is the lack of action not that is a big deal but for some viewers that can't easily follow spy movies or movies with political agenda they might get bored also the bad guys from the previous movie were a lot more interesting as both actors and characters but this movie will totally capture you with how clever it is and how much the government's have dirty secrets that they try to cover up. In the end the film has action here and there but what truly shines is how smart it is and how interesting the story really tries to be so far none of the Jack Ryan movies have disappointed me they're clever in a way every single on of them even though they lack action and Ryan being a badass like going full Rambo in them but in the end they are very clever 9/10.


President Bennett's friends are murdered by Columbian Cali cartel drug lord Escobedo. He seeks revenge by declaring them Clear and Present Danger. Presidential Adviser James Cutter and Bob Ritter sends John Clark (Willem Dafoe) and his team to direct bombs on the targets. It's a secret mission that neither Jack Ryan (Harrison Ford) nor his mentor Jim Greer know about. Greer is sick with cancer. Ryan is appointed Deputy Director of Intelligence and sent down to Bogota. Meanwhile Escobedo has intelligence operative Félix Cortez who has inside info in the White House and plans of his own.It's an intriguing political espionage mixed with some well executed action scenes. The ambush in Bogota is terrific action. Joaquim de Almeida is a great villain. He has a great depth which is perfect for his double dealing. It's a well made Tom Clancy spy movie.


Well, this movie is really surprising because it's really the first time that I see a Hollywood blockbuster adapting without filtering a bestseller in which the famous writer really depicts the pool of sharks at Washington DC and especially in the white house. In short, what triggers a more energetic politic against drug cartels is just the assassination of POTUS friends. This kind of personal revenge is indeed a special way to uphold national interest. As Nixon, POTUS feels he is not bounded by laws or frontiers as he authorizes guerrilla in other country. And he is so cynical that he doesn't order it clearly and when bad news arrive, he would like to put the blame to innocent mans (here, Admiral Greer). This aspect of revealing Washington life would be the trademark in later Clancy novels, always coupled with an armed conflict. Here, i must say that the drug cartel isn't a « prestigious » adversary but a rather boring, dull one. In that, the movie equals the book because I remember to be among the weakest Clancy ever wrote. However, Harrison as the white, honorable hero is always perfect and Dafoe as an experimented veteran is an excellent partner.
