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Grindhouse (2007)

April. 06,2007
| Horror Action Thriller

Grindhouse combines Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror, a horror comedy about a group of survivors who battle zombie-like creatures, and Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof, an action thriller about a murderous stuntman who kills young women with modified vehicles. It is presented as a double feature with fictitious exploitation trailers before each segment.


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Movie "Interlude" Review: "Grindhouse" (2007)Indulging on bloody violence, gore and plainview morals of the b-movie-cinema of the 1970s and early 1980s comes double infusion of troublemaker directors Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriquez in two times 80-Minutes-plus editorials for "Planet Terror" and "Death Proof" in legendary grindhouse movie house occasion starring a Hollywood cast from three-times cameo Bruce Willis over Kurt Russell and Josh Brolin to Rose McGowan as one-leg-machine-gun Go-Go dancer Cherry, Rosario Dawson and stunt-woman Zoe Bell as man-chasing sirens with friends, Quentin Tarantino himself as The Rapist on blowing-up to proportions military bases of phantom menacing Bio-Weaponry in "Terror" and a climactic high-speed live-action car chase in "Proof" under digitally graded scratches, color fall-outs to complete burning-up release prints, supported by guest directors Eli Roth & Edgar Wright for a half-time trailer show from "Machete kills" to "Werewolves pursuits" and beyond.© 2018 Felix Alexander Dausend (Cinemajesty Entertainments LLC)


This was a major box office bomb. The Box Office Gross was $25,000,000 but by the time advertising was factored in it lost over $50,000,000. Now excluding that do we have a good film (s) here? Well "NO". To me the film goes on way too long. Each of these films should have been less than 90 minutes. Both of them had scenes that went on way too long. There is also the obligatory "Rape" or "Fear of Rape" that Quentin Tarantino puts in his films! This time its in "Planet Terror" and he is the villain Regardless the man is talented but why he puts rape in his films makes me pass on seeing anything else He will do for now on!"Planet Terror" is the weakest of the 2 films presented here. The story is stupid. I know that was the pint but had this film was made with a low budget film would have worked better."Death-proof" is good but goes on way too long. Quentin loves talky talky dialog and again this film would have been better served if the film was made with just 1 or 2 takes. What was so suppose to be a "Low Budget" homage was basically a slick looking action movie that has a 1970's vibe! The "Fake" coming attractions are very good and work the best. "Machete" was later turned into a real film. This film was a disappointment for many reasons! Too long being the most irksome!


There is really no need to say anything about Grindhouse, these two films simply have to be experienced. In a few words - two (or one and a half) horror features in the best traditions of B-movies. "Deathproof" is about a former stuntman using the hp under the hood to murder women. At times painfully predictable, it is nevertheless very enjoyable, packing a fresh Tarantino punch. "Planet Terror" is a typical zombie apocalypse flick, wielding an impressive arsenal of absurdly funny and/or bizarre moments - from Naveen Andrews' collection of certain bodily organs through Jeff Fahey's very amusing role to Tarantino's short, but memorable appearance. Watch both of them for pure pulp enjoyment. "Machete" is highly recommended for dessert.


While I consider myself an avid movie fan, I did not enjoy this movie for several reasons.The pointless stupid little things thrown into the movie for what seemed to be no reason whatsoever (IE the strippers making out in the back room, the using a grenade launcher as a jet-pack, the fact that each of these friends in a seemingly small town just happened to be immune, the rude attitude of the sheriff toward the 'hero', the utterly stupid fact that somebody's genitals were dropping off in a midst of an attempted rape), that these same directors seem to do in A lot of their movies.It just makes me scoff, and makes me think that these directors are less mature than the children they hire for their parts.
