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Frozen Fever

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Frozen Fever (2015)

March. 13,2015
| Adventure Animation Comedy Family
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On Anna's birthday, Elsa and Kristoff are determined to give her the best celebration ever, but Elsa's icy powers may put more than just the party at risk.


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What's the point of this? It's not long enough to have any kind of real story so you wind up with an unnecessary short that just serves as a reminder that there was this movie a couple of years ago that had these characters people liked. I mean the whole thing is basically one song stretched over a thin plot about a birthday party for Anna. That's it. It doesn't feel like they had this amazing idea for a short in mind but that they just wanted to keep the Frozen brand alive while they worked on a feature-length sequel. Maybe I'm wrong about the motivation but the whole thing just seems pointless beyond the commercial reasons. Look, I'm not saying it's a bad cartoon. It's fine for what it is but it really makes you appreciate the animated theatrical shorts from decades ago when people put effort into crafting a quality cartoon with a limited running time.

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

I really enjoyed the movie "Frozen", so I was looking forward to this short film for a while. And while I was not totally won over by it, I was not disappointed either. The story is basically Elsa preparing the perfect birthday for her sister Anna with the help of all their friends from the feature film. And also the not-so friends appear again in this film, so that you get basically all the important characters from the film, which is always nice, even if it is just for a very short moment like the sauna owner. There is a reference to the famous song from the film as well (check my title) and in general there is at least as much singing than talking in this movie, maybe almost a bit too much for my taste. These 8 minutes have some decent comedic moments and the drama about Elsa's cold is nicely chosen, but not too severe for such a short film. What I liked most about it are all the tiny snowmen coming out of Elsa's mouth. I think it's inevitable that there will be a second "Frozen" film at some point and I hope the include them there as well. And Olaf's comment about not being able to read or spell was so random and pretty great too. So yeah, it's not a must-see (as the full feature film), but a nice little addition for everybody who enjoyed the movie. Recommended.


Frozen Fever is the short animation special made for fans of Frozen and it kind of serves as a sequel to the movie.However it is an short film to hold over fans of Frozen.What makes the film works is that Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad, and Jonathan Groff all return to reprises their respected roles as Anna, Elsa, Olaf and Kristoff. So it will bring some special meaning to the fans to get the original cast together for this short film. The plot of the film is that It's Anna's birthday and Elsa wants to make this a special day for her sister unfortunately Elsa has a cold but she is determent not to let that stop her from making Anna's Birthday special.The song "Making Today A Perfect Day" is the main song of the film and it is very catchy and original to boot. They pick a strong song for the film.Animation for this film is superb as in the first film very much attention to detail for the characters as well as the snow effects. Voice acting very interesting from the start as the cast show us why we fell in love with the characters in the first place.Plus with Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck return to direct the movie and once again deliver on the film so nice. The film is just all together fun for all ages if you love the first movie you will love this special short animation film, the film feature amazing artwork, superb voice acting, humor plus nice nods to the first film.I give Frozen Fever an 9 out of 10

Neil Welch

Elsa has big plans for Anna's birthday, the first which they can spend together since they were small, but it looks as if she is coming down with something (oddly, since a cold never bothered her anyway): every time she sneezes, it generates a batch of snowmenettes, and chaos is not far behind them.This short, which precedes the theatrical release of Disney's live action Cinderella feature, satisfactorily fills the gap until Frozen 2 arrives. It is quite good, although the song which occupies much of its length is, frankly, no great shakes - it doesn't have a lot of shape to it and is rather rambly and structureless.But the film itself is full of humour and action, and is very entertaining.
