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Carrie (1976)

November. 03,1976
| Horror Thriller

An awkward, telekinetic teenage girl's lonely life is dominated by relentless bullying at school and an oppressive religious fanatic mother at home. When her tormentors pull a humiliating prank at the senior prom, she unleashes a horrifying chaos on everyone, leaving nothing but destruction in her wake.


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These are the words Margaret White says, as she's about to stab her daughter Carrie to death, as punishment for going to the prom.I have seen both movie adaptations of this story, read the novel, and can honestly say that if I had to choose a favorite version, I'd pick this one, if -for no other reason- than because of the outstanding performances of both Piper Laurie, and Sissy Spacek, both of whom shine like new pennies.There is also the presence of John Travolta, early in his career, and Amy Irving early in hers.Though not one of my favorite movies, this film does have something of it's own to offer. It's one of Brian DePalma's best, and will haunt you long after you've finished watching it.What's striking about this story, is the rush one can get from pushing an already racked, and fragile creature over the edge...And the dire consequences that can come from that action.Shy and mousy Carrie White (Sissy Spacek) has been the butt of every cruel joke since toddlerhood.Raised by the fanatical and insane Margaret White (Piper Laurie), Carrie's home life is hell, and her school life is not much better.Constantly demeaned and humiliated, Carrie is surrounded by kids who have no compassion for their situation, and do everything they can to make it worse...That is until pretty and popular Sue Snell (Amy Irving), feeling genuine remorse for her actions, asks her boyfriend Tommy Ross (William Katt), to take Carrie to the prom...But there are certain others in the group, among them Chris Hargensen (Nancy Allen), and Billy Nolan (John Travolta), who see this prom night as a perfect opportunity to do some mischief with an appalling stunt...not knowing it'll be the one that kills them.And not even the caring, and compassionate Miss Collins (Betty Buckley) can stop things now.People say Carrie's gifts are evil.It would be more accurate to say that this is what happens when mean people start preying too much on the weak, and the helpless.Like a myth or a spook story:Don't bully innocent people. Or powerful forces will get you. Originally, Review #88Posted On: July 23, 2010


Carrie isn't much of a film. It doesn't venture into any depth, it is just paper thin with an uninteresting conclusion. Sissy Spacek is the part and it is well acted by all parties, but there just isn't anything here. I honestly can't remember where the time went, slow moving scenes, gym class, going to the prom, sitting, dancing. Yet not enough time is invested in learning about Carrie, her mother or Sue. There is just too much nothingness to give any of it importance and the Tommy character is just unwritten. His personality says he wants to be in on it, yet he still takes Carrie and why is Sue with him? Awful writing, grrr.


Mousy teen Carrie White may be ostracized, but she has the ability to move objects with her mind. When the high school "in crowd" torments her with a sick joke at the prom, she lashes out with devastating and deadly power.This film is so well made that Hollywood should never ever had remade this. The actors in this are as good as it gets. It also has a vibe that could never be duplicated. Both Piper Laurie and Sissy Spacek landed Academy Award nominations. The film has one memorable scene after another. Don't watch it alone!!


Carrie is one of the most iconic horror film in history and De Palma directing and shooting makes you understand everything by the images and cinematography ,how the characters feel, why they feel like that. The result is you can understand their actions through the film and their motivations, though at times a bit shallow, you can get why they do it. Also Brian De Palma shows very well the working of the senior high school students, from the unnamed hierarchy, to the cruelty the teens are capable off it goes with out saying if you had a difficult years in school you will sympathize with Carrie and even rude for her. An other thing worth mentioning is that the cruelty in house and at school can twist the way a person sees things and in the final scene of the infamous school dance we see that in a very realistic and disturbing manner. As for the subject of puberty is demonstrated by the telekinetic powers Carrie gains after her first Luteal phase. And gradually she starts to disobey her religiously fanatical mother, accepting complements as a good thing and even dancing with her cavalier. However there is and a dark side to that : she can now pretty easily hurt anyone how hurts her physically or emotionally and it is dangerous as innocent people may and do get in the cross fires.In general puberty is depicted like a new power coming out from the person and there two bad outcomes from it :When it isn't put in check becomes cruelty (seen in the girls bullying Carrie).The other possibility is when it comes in the hands of a person who was continuously bullied then the tables are turned and the hunted becomes the hunter, basically the quote of Nietzsche "He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee." becomes a reality ,just showing that the goodness and kindness how can be lost and even the most cruel maybe they do it just to get respect like in high school of instance.OK I will close mist analyses here for I may over did it. However this is a great adaptation of Steven King and perhaps the most faithful book-to-film take from all the films and series that have been based from his work so far ,together with the Green Mile, Misery and Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption.
