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Jack (1996)

August. 09,1996
| Drama Comedy Family

Jack Powell suffers from an affliction that makes him grow four times faster than normal, so the 10 year old boy looks like a 40 year old man. After years of being tutored at home, Jack convinces his overprotective parents to send him to public school. The children don't know what to make of Jack, but with the help of his fifth-grade teacher, he makes an effort to win them over.


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Jack is like Brad Pitt's The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button,as it tells the story about a 10 year old boy who looks like a 40 year old due to some genetic condition he has ever since he was born. He goes to school like normal kids and one of his teachers is Jennifer Lopez. The film revolves from Jack as a kid looking like a 40 year old to him being 18 when he looks about 90 years old. If you are a big kid at heart than check it out. I haven't seen this film since 11 or 12 years ago so I have most parts of it forgotten. Diane Lane co stars as Robin Williams mother who is trying to let her son fit in school even though he is sorta having a bad time. 5/10RIP Robin Williams


Don't get me wrong I love Robin Williams. And I thought he gave a great performance in this movie like he always does. The film's charters and story are terrible. Here's the story. Jack Powell played Robin Williams is a 10 year-old trapped in the body of a 40 year-old. Because he has a rare disease that is never explained. It's just Mentioned when he's born that he has it. They should of went in to that more. He also gets sent to school even though he is a giant. And crushes on his teacher played by Jennifer Lopez. Diane Lane plays his mom and she does a great job. But the is just a bad movie. And can't believe this was directed by the one and only Francis Ford Coppola. If you people out have the option to see this. And the option to not see this movie. Take the option not to.


I watched ten minutes of this and felt pretty sick.There have been documentaries on this subject on television of real children that are actually interesting, sad and happy by turns in the real world. What got into people to make such a thing is beyond me. This is the worst kind of sentimental mawkishness and a thoroughly sick and bad idea irrespective of the intentions. I think if we can have a film about marching penguins, or more seriously the columbine massacres shown at the cinema its about time we were able to face an actual documentary about a child with this condition instead of this horrible, horrible proxy for one.By the way... The central conceit that children with this syndrome look like Robin Williams is so very far off beam. In actuality they are the same height as normal children with an adult facial appearance and other attributes. (I know from a made for TV documentary that did this whole thing PROPERLY) This film is a total travesty. Only in America! If you are a buyer for a TV company: I am sure you can find the documentary I watched instead if you really try. Show that instead.


You would have thought after HOOK that no one would ever hire Robin Williams again, least of all to play a man child, which in effect is what he also played in HOOK. This time around, Williams plays a boy who suffers from a disease that rapidly ages him, so that by the time he turns 10, he looks 40. And by the time he turns 20, he looks like John Carpenter. No, that's not right. He looks dead. Anyhow, Jack goes to school with the kiddies, and as he ages (in terrible aging makeup), he grows weaker and weaker. It is simply inconceivable that JACK was ever made. Williams is horrible. There is nothing appealing about watching a middle-aged hairy guy sitting behind a kids' classroom desk. And this was made by the director of THE GODFATHER, no less!
