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Remember Sunday

Remember Sunday (2013)

April. 21,2013
| Drama Romance TV Movie

A lonely, down-on-her-luck waitress meets a handsome, quirky jewelry store clerk and thinks that maybe, finally, she's met Mr. Right. The more Molly gets to know Gus, the more she's intrigued by him. But she's also mystified. Gus is absent-minded, preoccupied. Is he hiding something? The short answer is: yes. He's reluctant to share with her that since suffering a brain aneurysm, he's totally lost his short-term memory. Every day is a brand new day, his life starts anew. Every day he sees Molly he struggles to remember who she is and what she represents. Every day, he has to fall in love with her all over again.


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kelly larsson

Okay, so if you don't like chick flicks: DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE.Don't get me wrong, I love Zachary Levi and I don't mind watching romance movies once in a while. But this movie was so cheesy it made me cringe. The plot just wasn't realistic to me. I also realised obvious plot holes, like for example: he was engaged before his injury, so when he wakes up he should think he was still engaged. But in the movie he for some reason totally forgets about her, or he remembers but has made a note about it - but that would only make him a cheating bastard so I don't know what would be the best alternative really.I for some reason find the role of Alexis extremely annoying too and I don't understand what Gus (Zachary) sees in her besides that she's cute. For example the scene when she comes over and freaks out about the pen and won't even listen to him, why would he bother running after her like that? For all he knew she was some crazy chick who wouldn't even bother listening to her boyfriend. But if you like cheesy romance movies where the characters say cliché stuff like "I wish I could freeze this moment forever" or the guy and the girl just *happen* to both collect the same Star Wars pez toys - this movie is definitely for you.

Michael L.S.

The underlying premise of the movie is engaging and intriguing. Even though I am not an aficionado of the romance genre, the supposed comedic angle would have made this a watchable and enjoyable picture were it not for a few problems.1) The quickfire, shoot-from-the-hip, smartassy dialog is absurd. For most of the movie I had a feeling I was watching an outtake from the Gilmore Girls (the couple of episodes of which that I watched I found supremely annoying). (Actually, as I was writing this review, I checked the casts of the two, and it turns out that Molly had indeed "starred" in G.G.!) Producers/scriptwriters, here's a clue for you: NOBODY TALKS LIKE THAT IN REAL LIFE!!! 2) Characters routinely goof up but everything works out great. Missed an alarm or your crummy auto won't start? No problem. Just run through the beautiful morning city, pick (read: steal) a bunch of flowers from a public park, hop on a picturesque tram, and arrive at your destination smelling of apple pie. Meanwhile, most people in the real world would have to contend with inconsiderate drivers, get fined for vandalizing public property, wait a quarter hour for a tram, and at the end they'd be out of breath and reek of sweat for the rest of the day.Or take Molly's college paper. The first time around she gets a C. She then has a "profound" (*rolls eyes*) roller-coaster experience with Gus, which causes an existential paradigm shift in her, and she scores an A+ on the redo. If ONLY college studies worked like that! Forget spending hours doing laborious and tedious research; just fix to get your heart broken then made whole again, and you're golden! 3) I can't believe the reviews here extolling the acting. The characters are one-dimensional and predictable. They oscillate between Prozac-like ecstasy/effervescence and defeat/disappointment/despondency.4) Gus was supposed to be another Einstein? Yeah. Right. Because a guy in his, what, late 20s could have become more of an accomplished Einstein than Einstein himself was. And because a fallen Einstein is seemingly abandoned by all his former N.A.S.A. and other colleagues, friends, and acquaintances, bar literally his sister and one best friend. And because a fallen Einstein needs a messed-up college dropout to apprise him of the existence of revolutionary medical treatments to cure his condition.(5) The cheap, trite muzak does nothing to elevate this picture. They really could have put some more effort into the musical score.In fairness, the movie does not insult us with a happily-ever-after ending and does make it clear that if Gus and Molly's relationship - such as it is - is to survive, a lot of sacrifice would be needed. That is a commendable message. I just wish it could have been made without an hour and a half-long rigmarole plagued by the problems listed above.So, yeah.Meh.

Newt Rox

Has Spoilers! This was a simple, corny, straight-ahead TV film, lacking in the crass sex and violence (that I normally like), but it does touch the heartstrings in that old school way.I enjoyed the likability of both lead actors. Both were Simple, mostly pretty honest and ethical.Other reviewers mentioned the resemblance here to people suffering from Alzheimer's, but I'm not informed enough to know if the disease in this TV film even exists.There were a few things in the plot that were hard to believe. For example Molly's reaction to Poor Man's Ben Affleck was a little too over the top. A normally calm person, She wouldn't calm down enough to hear Ben's explanation. Her having submitted Ben's manuscript to the Observatory academics, which had Ben's "Answer To the Universe" thesis, was highly unbelievable. If I recall, he'd been midway through the work when he was afflicted with the aneurysm. I also didn't buy Molly's erasing Ben's reminder to himself to ask Molly to get married. She would have had to have erased all notes referring to her. (or did she?)About the "dangling" ending, where reviewers here have said Molly and Ben were fated to an eternity of, "Who are you?" "I'm Molly," I don't wholly agree that this is their fate. In that scene near the ending, the always-hopeful and optimistic Molly is sort of testing Ben's memory by dropping a few lines or quotes he himself had uttered before. Ben gets a glimmer in his eye, and seems to almost be pushed into an active, tangible fragment of a memory that he DID retain of that prior day. The kicker of the hopefulness is when Ben asks if Molly can wait until 6pm to "grab some coffee," she answers, "I can wait," framed with an expression that means she can wait until he's cured. The not-complete resolution also leaves the door open for a sequel.Anyway I cried in parts and thought it was a wonderful celebration of the human spirit. And Hope.Good job, Hallmark!


Just finished watching it on TV and enjoyed it very much. Had some minor elements in common with 50 First Dates, but definitely not the same premise. The two main actors did a wonderful job and played their parts pretty much perfect. While it has some lighter moments, it is definitely not a comedy. It's not a tear jerking serious drama, but it does keep a very definite romantic drama theme throughout. Overall. if you like romantic movies that keep a serious tone, but don't try to make you cry at every opportunity, then you may like this one.Give it a 8 out of 10, but has king of an open ending which is not my favorite way of finishing a movie.
