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Triple Dog

Triple Dog (2010)

September. 21,2010
| Drama Thriller

On the night of a sleepover, a group of teenage girls venture out in a competitive game of challenging dares. As the antics escalate, and the dares become more extreme, the girls unravel the truth behind a former student's rumored suicide.


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Tori Kowarik

I definitely disagree with the review that states that this movie will just keep you entertained but not be memorable. I first watched this movie on netflix I want to say around 4 years ago, and it was one of the few movies I've ever watched that has stuck out to me. Interesting, exciting, and I would definitely recommend every 8th grade to sophomore year girl to watch this. Is it definitely a major plus now that I took time to watch this movie again, that the cast is actually pretty excellent. They have Janel Parrish from Pretty Little Liars, Awkward's Brett Davern, Nolan Gerard Funk from Spectacular, and I might be wrong but I think I might have quickly spotted Avan Jogia from Victorious.Now for the cons of this movie. I agree that some of the script seems a little awkward. For instance, they use the term "stoop" instead of "porch". Also I know this couldn't really be avoided, but Eve's voice really creeped me out the entire time. She has this creepy old lady voice. And lastly, I do not think that the characters and movie itself was very relatable. The themes can be very broadly taken an applied to real life, but in general it just is not very relatable.


While this movie definitely contains all of the predictable teenage stereotypes, I thought it was entertaining enough. I was able to sit through the whole thing, and didn't feel like I had wasted precious hours of my life. On a scale of "ugh" to "OMG", it was a solid "eh". It won't kill your soul if you decide to watch it, but it won't enrich you either. It's mindless entertainment. At the same time, the BIG secret that is to be revealed, as hinted at in the description, is, in no way, any kind of revelation. Any person in possession of a mild amount of intelligence would be able to guess how the movie ends. Not a horrible movie, but not great, either.


(not sure if these count as spoilers) I watched this movie on Netflix after it described it as a "thriller" about dark secrets coming out. The only thrill was when it was over and I didn't have to endure this awful movie anymore. The writing was absolutely horrible. The dialogue seemed like a 40-something man trying to write for teenage girls. It all came off as very awkward, and not at all realistic. The plot was boring and predictable. But despite these glaring flaws, what really bothered me was the character of Chapin. This girl is shown throughout the movie to be a callous, mean-spirited little troll of a person, and the movie expects us to feel bad for her. Time and time again, this character goes out of her way to make life miserable for those around her, simply to have something "exciting" to do, and it makes the viewer feel nothing but loathing and resentment for her. And her so-called "redemption", really just makes you hate her even more for being so stupid. If you like insipid, trite teeny-bopper movies like Twilight, this should be right up your alley. Otherwise, steer clear.


This movie still hasn't been released in the US, at least not in wide distribution, and that is a shame. Despite the 2 (so far) 1 star reviews, that appear to have been written by the same person, this is not a bad movie. The characters are a bit stereotypical, but, name a teen movie where they are not. And, frankly, the teens in this movie are far more believable than in most teen films. Part of the problem might be that this film seems to be categorized as a thriller, and it definitely is not. It is a coming of age movie. I like that the characters do develop over the course of the film. And, while it is hard to empathize with the main character, Chapin, in the beginning, by the end of the film I did. I am also a Brit Robertson fan from her work on the TV series 'Life Unexpected'. And, why this film got an R rating is beyond me. Oh, and this film passes the Bechdel test(look it up if you have never heard of it). That may be the reason for the unhappy reviews.
