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Imagine Me & You

Imagine Me & You (2006)

January. 27,2006
| Drama Comedy Romance

During her wedding ceremony, Rachel notices Luce in the audience and feels instantly drawn to her. The two women become close friends, and when Rachel learns that Luce is a lesbian, she realizes that despite her happy marriage to Heck, she is falling for Luce. As she questions her sexual orientation, Rachel must decide between her stable relationship with Heck and her exhilarating new romance with Luce.


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Dominic LeRose

Guys expecting to see lots of lesbian action are in for a surprise. Instead of an erotic comedy we see a heartwarming, beautiful, funny and fresh romantic comedy with a gifted script and sweet premise. Piper Perabo plays Rachel, a freshly married women in London who falls for Luce (the breathtakingly beautiful Lena Headey), the florist for her wedding. Their relationship starts as a casual friendship before finding out that they have a deep love for each other, which comes with challenges in order to develop a relationship. This movie has sappy written all over it. Surprisingly, writer and director Ol Parker skips through all the clichés and develops a story in which we care for the characters and experience a unique relationship develop throughout the course of the film. The performances are all sweet and funny, with each character not getting carried away with themselves or trying to be something they're not. Each actor is gifted with a humble performance and brings the very British-like script to life in a subtle and content fashion. This is the kind of movie you come into feeling ambiguous but leave feeling great. It's a terrific tale of a challenged love that never fights to be expressed.


So we look at Rachel and Hecks wedding, to me, it wasn't the look of an ordinary wedding to me. In fact, it looked pretty dull and dreary that if it was my wedding, I would've hated it! There was no sparkle to it, even if Rachel felt in love with Luce and not Hecks. Also every actor that were the 'guests' in the wedding scene, they didn't show compassion that the bride and groom were officially married! It was like they knew Rachel and Luce were meant to be together!To make this short and sweet, I found Hecks character really wimpy especially towards the end. I'm like 'cmon act like an adult here, yes its a bummer that you've been cheated on but there will be someone that would love you for who you are!'. Seriously that guy needed to grow up lol! Now for the positives, the film was overall good and I like the fact how the American actors in the film made a HUGE effort on putting on a proper English accent as it can be really hard to do and the little girl that played H enlightened this film with her quotes & questions that we would all be wondering the same!


As I saw "Gray Matters", i know where this late stinker has found inspiration: it's the same plot (a lesbian love struck after wedding) but transplanted in the perfidy Albion. Sure, all the cards are shuffled as it's not exactly the same dynamic between the characters or the same ending. My judgment is that here, everything is better: the cast, the locations, the characters. Piper is a great torn newcomer, Ozymandias is a supportive husband and Queen Lena embodies perfectly responsibility. The American clichés are gone: bye bye the extravaganza (except than here the families are still upper class), bye bye the coming-out repentance. Here, it's more about feelings but at the end, for me, it remains still very implausible for me. In fact, this kind of movie hurt two fundamentals and i always failed to get into.First, if I really believe in love struck, I exclude it about orientation. In others word, i can't think that one morning, you get up and fell for the same sex, especially after you married the opposite. It's like saying that chicken has teeth, pigs can fly or an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object. Second, my faith is that the Yes Wedding is an unbreakable vow: i understand why marriage is often a religious affair: for me, if there's a something that can't be broken, it's that word. I don't say that marriage will be always heaven, but the vow is the way to find solutions when downs appears! So, it's really until death do part.

Nina Marcelino

This is the very first lesbian - love film I have ever watched. And weeks ago I started watching a lot more of the same genre - and still find this movie the best among the rest (although I Can't Think Straight is coming closer).About this. It is a great movie, absolutely. I am not saying this because I am beyond pro-homo or that I am one of 'em. The movie had spoken for itself. I actually liked the idea of two people getting settled with life for once and for good - until a tiny bit of fate happened and changed it all. And also the fact that it did not just talk about the problem of loving a girl - when you are also one.In a tiny and very unimportant bit, it is a gay movie. But the rest talks about falling in love and all the complications that come in between - like liking somebody else when you are well married. And that is exactly what the movie is about and should be called, a love movie.And who the hell knew the demure and sexually confused Rachel was a bad ass lesbian from Lost And Delirious? Well done, Piper!
