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Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie

Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (1997)

March. 27,1997
| Adventure Fantasy Action Science Fiction

The legendary Power Rangers must stop the evil space pirate Divatox from releasing the powerful Maligore from his volcanic imprisonment on the island of Muranthias, where only the kindly wizard Lerigot has the key to release him. The hope of victory lies in the Ranger's incredible new Turbo powers and powerful Turbo Zords.


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Andariel Halo

Holy hell, I am not even 15 minutes into the movie and virtually every scene has been hideously ugly to look at, from that nightmare-inducing hairy wizard puppet to the horrifying thing that is apparently Divatox's nephew that I can't even look at without turning away. the film starts with absolutely nothing Power Rangers related, taking us to a fantasy land where fantasy death knights riding horses wearing masks with horns are chasing a nightmare-inducing hairy wizard puppet in a sequence that goes on for what feels like an entire ten minutes and contributes literally nothing as everything was already explained in the prologue text scroll. while the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie was basically just rendered non-canon and they went and re-did the broad story less impressively in the series, this one apparently is supposed to be a prelude to the next series after Zeo, and according to the trivia was filmed alongside Zeo, which likely explains why Bulk, Skull, and Stone are still police officers despite having been fired/quit and become private investigators in Power Rangers Neo Geo Zeo, with a clearly spliced in line by Lieutenant Stone quickly saying they were re-hired. meanwhile the trivia also says the original cut was nearly three hours long and holy hell not even 20 minutes in, virtually nothing has happened and it definitely feels like a three hour movie on its own.


Okay, so I know that the Power Rangers: Turbo series is one of if not the most hated season in the Power Rangers universe, even among Power Rangers fans. I know that I've read a lot of bad reviews about this movie, but I don't think that it's bad. I find it to be quite good and entertaining. It is a good setup up for a series and makes you want to see more of it. But I also get the feeling that there is not enough in it. A lot of good scenes were rumored to be cut. I will not go into detail about that here in this review since I don't want this to have any spoilers. I just hope that all these good scenes were filmed and will pop up in a future release someday. I don't know all the people who hate this movie. I will tell you right now, if you aren't a Power Rangers fan, there is no reason to watch this movie and no reason to flood this site with bad reviews because if it. But I like this movie and I recommend it for Power Rangers fan. It isn't as bad as some people think and I figure you might enjoy it to, provided you liked the classic seasons.


As a kid my older brother liked power rangers a lot. The original show, was very similar to the Batman show in the 60s. It was cheesy, silly but in all very entertaining for its camp value. The movie was okay, but with its clichés and dumb pointless moments kind of killed it. In 1997 a kind of sequel came out and it's as exiting as...watching the grass grow. There was only 25 minutes of time where you see the power rangers. 25 MINUTES!!! The plot (or at least as much plot as I could find in this) is that some lady named Devatox is hunting down a wizard, Laragou, who looks like an ewok with the face of Dr. Zaius from planet of the apes, to of course, take over the world. The power rangers have no choice but to intervene. I should also mention that about five minutes of the time the power rangers are in there costumes there looking for the bad guys lair. I mean WOW... I mean why is even called Power Rangers? Why not "KIDS WHO FIGHT BAD GUYS AND WEAR THE SAME COLORS EVERYDAY", at least that would make sense! SPOILER: The final battle looks like crap. Somehow, they made the megazord look MORE like multi-colored cardboard boxes...In all the movie sucks, and is a big disappointment to anyone who loved Power Rangers like I did.


First of all, Power rangers are themselves bad but this is unbelievable. The first movie should appeal to children under the age of 8 and had one decent villain followed by the worst $0.02 CGI transformation sequence in the history of mankind. However, compared to this, that movie seems like the Godfather. Nothing will make sense if for some unfortunate reason you find yourself watching this. It is pure and utter garbage and is'nt funny no matter how you try to look at it. Its disgusting. Its not a movie. Its not a show. Its guano. Most people wont watch it anyway so why am I wasting time writing this? I don't know. The only thing I don't understand is why this is'nt in the bottom 20 list? Make that bottom 5.
