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Ruby Red

Ruby Red (2013)

March. 14,2013
| Fantasy Drama Romance

On her 16th birthday, Gwendolyn Shepherd finds out that instead of her cousin, she has inherited a rare gene that allows her to travel through time.


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When I first saw this movie and wrote my first review I didn't know anything about it being a trilogy. My first thoughts were: I really liked this movie, but I left that too many things were left unsolved. now I know better, I know why. So this is my revised review. I did feel then that it was destined for a second part, now I know that its for two more parts. I like that.The plot was intriguing from the start with so many unknowns involving RUBI; and perhaps it was also counter-producing since there was so much to deal with and at the end was left unresolved. I have not read the book, but now I will do, all three of them.I really thought the way the plot developed about of one girl being prepared while the true one is another as very freshening, and even funny.However, at the end I felt kind of empty for having too many unknowns left. I mean for instance, her ability to see ghosts, something that was not addressed or solved in the movie. Also, there is the part about her friend being spied on and her data on their desk. There is also the most important part, why her cousin and husband stole the first machine. And of course, lets not forget the prophesy. Well, just to name few of the mysteries unsolved.I am not sure if the books ends like that. The last time I felt this was Harry Potter and the Deathly Relics-part 1, but then, I have already read the book and I knew that it was only half the story.I will be waiting for the rest of the trilogy. I sure hope they don't run out of money before finishing it.

Philipp Adelmann

i want to skip rating the story because one may like it or not. what i want to talk about is the acting, camera, effects etc.i didn't know anything about the movie. just saw an ad and went to watch it. 6 minutes into the movie and i kinda get annoyed. after 2 shots it was clear: German production. and i can't stand German productions. i am German, but i can not stand the way German movies try to copy American stylistic elements and fail miserably or use worn out ones. 6 minutes into the movie. bad acting, as sadly common for German acting. slow-motion-lover-boy appearance. main character mistaken for waitress at snobby party. main character tough but clumsy and by accident spills drinks over lover-boy. stereotypes all the way. it may be caused by the story itself, but the task of techniques and effects in movie-making should be used to smoothen failures and to put highlights on strong elements. it totally failed in doing so. the way the actors speak, act and behave combined with those poor techniques makes me so angry. and i am only 6 minutes into the movie.

Post Human

I read the books in German and I kinda liked them - even as they might be a kind of "teenage girl books". As in "BOOKS" - there are three. So of course this movie does not complete the plot. The movie entertained me, but there where some things I did not "like"... the house they live in is as big as having room for a ball room... can't see any in the book, but that might have just been a problem to find such a locationthe way Charlotte is talking (german version)... she is WAY too arrogant (even tho she is described arrogant in the book, she doesn't seem to be that snobby).the actress of Gwendolyn's aunt Maddy is just horrid... she acts way too... acted - that might be, because she is played by a way too young looking person dressed up as old lady (even tho K.Thalbach is 59)can not recall her best friend Leslie being black but I might have overread that and I actually do not care... Gwenny herself is an average girl according to the book... no vamp - the movie made her look like a beautiful rebelLady Arisa on the other hand appears way to "soft" - according to the book she is very stricther first time jump did not attract that much attention in the book... Storyline text: Gideon is not Charlottes boyfriend, he is just a friend and fellow timetravelerAnd I could go on and on and on... The movie is quite entertaining, IF you did not read the books at all. If you did, it is far away from what Gier wrote. Conclusion: The casting is bad, the actors are mediocre and the movie full of mistakes. The books are great and the movie could be too, but sadly isn't. tldr: Read the books, avoid the movie.


...but this movie was a bit senseless with a jumbled plot (if you want to call it a plot) that wore very thin towards the end. Intriguing beginning to a story that ends up dropping off in an abrupt non-ending. Perhaps it was meant to have a sequel but I can't imagine anyone wanting to invest any more money in this poorly scripted, dully acted confusion of ideas. The costumes were nice, special FX decent but the cliché teenage angst was a turn off and pretty silly. There were just too many things going on that were never explained completely or resolved. Certain scenes seemed to be set up for what could have been interesting outcomes but then just evaporated without further explanation. The characters were all pretty dull and 2 dimensional. I doubt that even A- list actors could have added any life to them. I'm glad I didn't actually pay to see this movie but if you are really bored some evening it might keep you amused.
