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Short Circuit 2

Short Circuit 2 (1988)

July. 06,1988
| Drama Comedy Science Fiction Family

Robot Johnny 5 moves to the city to help his friend Ben Jahrvi with his toy manufacturing enterprise, only to be manipulated by criminals who want to use him for their own nefarious purposes.


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This movie isn't as good as the first Short Circuit movie but it is still very funny. Steve Gutenberg is gone but Fisher Stevens is still here with Michael McKean instead and they're both great.


Ben the walking stereotype is in New York selling little editions of Number Five.There he meets one of Spinal Tap, and they go into business with Gibb to make more of the little Number fives. This all covers the sub-plot involving a jewel heist where some old boy called Oscar has hired two thugs to raid a bank.The only problem is, the building where these criminals were working has been taken over by Ben. And then all of a sudden, Number Five arrives and causes all sorts of xenophobic hilarity.Oh how I nearly smiled.....This was rife during the late eighties and the early nineties, a film that wasn't expected to succeed as well as it did (sister act, Wayne's world, Beethoven), did do great business and garnered a sequel.Some were okay, Bill and Ted delivered a good sequel, but this one fell into the category of great idea to begin with, but this is just scraping the barrel.Stevens does what he can with the material, but there is none, it's just a case of Johnny five doing what he did in the first movie, copying things from the TV, radio, and commercials, to comic effect.It was endearing the first time, but this just grates and annoys.There the token scene near the end where we think Johnny Five may get killed, but hen he goes all gold plated at the end.It's a dud movie, Sheedy can only be bothered to do a voice cameo, and it lacks any charm the original had.


This is the sequel to the first classic starring Johnny Five. It returns a beloved character Ben as one of the main leads. Everyone does a great job and Johnny 5 is still as hilarious and adorable as ever. The plot is not quite as good or heartwarming but it is still very good and entertaining.This movie is about Johnny 5 who goes to the big city to help his friend benjamin. He has to help him build tiny toy robots but in the mean time Johnny is manipulated by criminals to do their bidding.This movie is good and in a lot of ways its better then the first because you see the robot much more and he is where the humor is.


I just re watched this movie that I loved when I was a kid, because I already was crazy about electronics. But of course, it's a movie for kids not for adults. So I'm really scare to see so many comments in the "goofs/ real mistake" section ! those are not goofs or mistakes, a movie is a work of fiction and so it implies that the viewer is mature enough to understand that physicals laws don't apply in a kid movie. Besides kids are unaware of theses "goofs" so it doesn't matter. The worst thing I saw was someone explaining how a defibrillator can't recharge a battery. Yes of course any one clever enough to know how a defibrillator works and have some knowledge over batteries would know that BUT as it's a fiction , a movie, we understand that what matters is the " idea " in the script, not the actual real world science that matters here ! because if you go there, then you can say no robot can think for itself so it's a goof.. Please people try to get a whole picture ! When you watch a movie it's implied that you will see things that don't exist in real life and could not be possible in real life. So this movie is really great for 0-13 years old kids specially those who will be geeks:)
