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The Pack

The Pack (2016)

February. 05,2016
| Horror Thriller

Man’s best friend becomes his worst nightmare when a horde of bloodthirsty wild dogs descends upon a family’s farmhouse in a fang-bearing fight for survival.


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I wonder if Warner Brothers knows of this movie, seeing that back in 1977 they released a movie about people in an isolated rural area being terrorized by a bunch of wild dogs. And that movie was also called "The Pack"! Still, I am open to a rip-off as long as the rip-off is well made and has some new angles. As for being well made, the movie's visual look is passable, if still a little low budget to the eye. But when it comes to delivering the horror goods, the movie is not very successful. The first 40% of the movie is pretty dull for the most part. I understand the filmmakers had to set up the characters and the situation, but it should have been more interestingly presented than it is here. When the horror does start, it is not worth the wait. The dog attacks and other action sequences are really poorly directed, sometimes requiring the viewer to wait until they are finished to figure out exactly what happened. Also, neither the dogs nor the human characters are given enough personality, so you simply won't care one way or another who survives and who doesn't. I realize I may be illustrating this movie as being a real turkey. It really isn't, but it's all the same too bland, too familiar, and too much lacking bite to really be a grabber. Hunt down the original 1977 movie instead.


I love scary movies. However, I am old and have seen so many movies that this one reminds me of the old movies back in the seventies.the characters do such stupid things you find yourself throwing popcorn at the screen or cheering for the wolves. They were long haired dutch shepherds that look more like wolves than wolves do.the cliche's are piled on from the flashlight that doesn't work. The phone is out! The radio don't work! I am running! oh I trip! Let me rattle some cans to see if anything is there! To the 'lets split up' The male lead crashes into a police car, beats up a wolf and then runs off, never thinking that a cop car might, just might have additional firepower like a shotgun.They go back and forth with his deer rifle,(that looked strangely like a pellet gun) one time he would have ammo, another time, he wouldn't, his kid kept hiding bullets and they never explained why.The wolves were inconsistent, one minute their senses were razor keen and they even cut the power and the telephone (you might glimpse the wolf wearing the yellow hard hat) the next they would walk dully past the character hiding behind the door. I can't even put that one over on my golden retriever.Speaking of which, they heard their family dog barking early in the movie and then yipe! implying that the wolves got him for added suspense. But at the end of the movie he was alive again! A good movie to watch if you have buddies over.


it started promisingly, sweeping farming lands with forests adjoining. a struggling farming family somewhere in Australasia. This could have been quite a good little film, except all canines have very acute senses, aural and olfactory, and how the family avoided being decimated by these feral dogs with no senses is beyond comprehension - oh, Iknow - the dogs had no senses!!!. I don't quite understand how the finance for this film was gleaned based on these very, very important points, is beyond me! Whoever wrote the story should have done more homework on dogs and all our canine friends - it is an indictment on both the writer and the professional cineast.It was, however, watchable. I wish I had had a hand in this - it would have been mesmeric.

Bloodmarsh Krackoon

'The Pack' doesn't have the eye candy 'The Breed' has, nor does it have the same star power as 'The Grey,' but it's an enjoyable, slightly tedious wild animal flick.While it doesn't have the eye candy 'The Breed' has, it's also not nearly as ridiculous, or laughably ignorant either. Unfortunately, it's not going to get the audience that film had, because sex sells - even Taryn Manning. Yuck! The acting (The Pack) is tolerable. The main couple do a fine job, but they lose points for adding the typical, annoying, ignorant teenage daughter, who you hope gets taken out early - but you know she'll be around until the end. Seriously, would the film have been any worse if the married couple had one child? Of course not. Maybe they went for realism? Because, honestly, how many couples are smart enough to stop at one child, right? 'The Pack' isn't on the same level as 'The Grey,' and it doesn't do the horror genre the same justice as 'Cujo,' so I can't see many hardcore horror fans being too impressed. There's only so many ways this film can go, and it ends up dragging on, even at 84 minutes. The dogs even looked bored around the 60 minute mark. But if you need something to watch, and you have to choose between 'Lumberjack Man,' 'The Gallows,' or 'The Pack,' do yourself a favor and choose the latter. Random Ramblings of a Madman: Wild dogs can be frightening, and these dogs do a fine job, but at the end it's just a pack of wild dogs. Now, if it had been a pack of wild Krackoons - the daughter would have been the first to go.
