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Bulworth (1998)

May. 15,1998
| Drama Comedy Thriller Crime

A suicidally disillusioned liberal politician puts a contract out on himself and takes the opportunity to be bluntly honest with his voters by affecting the rhythms and speech of hip-hop music and culture.


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This film is about awakening, speaking truth to power, levelling with people and racial equality. Conservatives would hate it. And they do. For the rest of humanity, itis amazing, it is powerful and it is genuinely a riot of laughter.


Bulworth has prime performers aplenty appearing in this order. Warren Beatty (Hilarious and so lovely.). Christine Baranski. Oliver Platt. Debra Monk. Florence Stanley. Jack Warden. Nora Dunn. Jim Haynie. Paul Sorvino. Richard C. Sarafian. Joshua Malina. Laurie Metcalf. Wendell Pierce. Sean Astin. Halle Berry (Halle is the most beautiful woman ever. She really is. I love Miss Halle Berry. She's so sexy in this movie. It's really romantic seeing Halle throughout Bulworth. I loooooove Halle, man. I love her more than anybody else in the world.). Ariyan A. Johnson. Isaiah Washington. Mimi Lieber. Stanley DeSantis. Michael Clarke Duncan. Barry Shabaka Henley. Don Cheadle. Graham Beckel. Larry King. Helen Martin. Michael Milhoan. Chris Mulkey. Billy Baldwin.Haha, this movie's really funny. And really silly. And really real. And really goofy, haha. And really smart. And really stupid, hahaha.Now is the time for a little rhyme. In honor of this movie. It's time to get groovy. I love you Halle Berry. I kinda wanna marry. You in real life. And I wouldn't think twice. I really love your beauty. You have a phat booty. You really make me happy. So I never feel crappy. You're really really pretty. The cutest in the city. I love your pretty smile. And your sexy style. You have the best eyes. And the best thighs. I love the way you stare. And your sexy hair. Your attitude's the best. Are you funny, yes. Halle you're a treat. You suck your sucker sweet. Baby you can dance. You put me in a trance. You flick your tongue so nice. I need you in my life. I love your free spirit. Your voice I'd love to hear it. Your lips I want to kiss. I know it would be bliss. You can act with the best. Forget about the rest. I promise you're the hottest. I am not being modest. Halle, give me all your lovin'. Gosh, you're hotter than an oven. In Bulworth, Halle, I love that I can see your thong. In life, Halle, I love that you inspired me to write this song.I'm not as good a rapper as Bulworth. Or ODB. Or Pras.'ghetto superstarrr that is what u rrr coming from afarrr reaching for the starrrs run away with meee to another plaaace we can relyy on each other uh huuuhh from 1 coorner to another uh huuh'


That is seriously messed up. I had no idea that cheating on your spouse was such a positive thing, as long as your spouse is white, and the person you cheat with is black. Not to mention the tired old nonsense about how Insurance companies are making healthcare expensive and blah, blah, blah…..look at how absurdly expensive healthcare has become now that the government has put their fat lazy fingers into it. My premiums have tripled, And I no longer can go to see a decent doctor, or go somewhere like Mayo Clinic, but I have to go to a dirty, sleazy downtown hospital where the nurses act like doctors. Thanks for NOTHING Obama. What a load of crap. The funny thing is, this movie seemed cool to me when I saw it as a young teenager, because I was still a kid, and had no idea how idiotic the whole socialist program was, and I was too young to be insulted as a white woman because I was still young enough to have some white guilt.


Beatty bombast is in full evidence as the one time reigning monarch of Hollywood comes down from his kingdom on the hill to get real among the great unwashed and inform America just what is wrong with it. The time has come to kill the messenger. It is a long way both chronologically and aesthetically from the halcyon time when the confident kid stood the town on its ear. All he has now is a tin ear.Senator Jay Billington Bulworth has gone from idealist to cynic over time doing what pols do best, look out for themselves. In the midst of a campaign and a brewing scandal that will expose him the Senator decides to take out a contract on himself so his family can at least reap the benefits of a huge insurance policy. With that taken care of Bulworth feels a great weight removed from his shoulder and he begins to speak more openly and honestly including getting down with the homeys their style.Bulworth is one smug and arrogant tract of heavy handed patronization that ham fisted builds slowly into a mawkish surrealism with Beatty's transformation into hip verbiage another form of Jolson black face. As he does in all his films Beatty has plenty of close-ups of stuttering consternation as well as getting the chance to run sprints before bringing out his basic decency by pictures end. In Bulworth he takes it up a notch with a hip hop routine better suited in mood and time for a skit on SNL. His condescending abrasiveness may have had some validity in his younger days but with all that promise wasted over time even his I'm hip and down liberal credentials fail to make his case. Bulworth is an out of touch travesty of a film and may well be the final nail in a career long on promise, short on delivery.
