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Munna Bhai M.B.B.S.

Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. (2003)

December. 19,2003
| Drama Comedy

A gangster sets out to fulfill his father's dream of becoming a doctor.


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That's precisely why MUNNABHAI M.B.B.S. works! Munnabhai lives with his gang in the by lanes of a washer man in Mumbai, takes pride in being a 'social worker'they actually settle 'financial disputes' through bossing around and enjoys his booze, babes, brawls? Munna's father, Hari Prasad Sharma , an upright, moralistic man, believes that his son is actually a doctor running a charity hospital. Every year, when his parents arrive, Munna and his gang bathe, shave, don white coats and stethoscopes and pretend to be diligent doctors. But the clever charade falls apart. Hari Prasad Sharma runs into an old friend, Dr. Asthana, who has a daughter called Suman . The two decide that their children, both doctors, would make a perfect match. Munna tries hard to save the situation, but his father discovers the truth. And all hell breaks loose.


one of the best movie who include all parts as showing sorrows,happiness,humouros, sad every feelings include in one movie. it's becs of one of the best part in movie that's the story too unique story with proper dialogue writing by writer.crucial part in this movie to complete the dreams of his father with trying more and more news efforts to complete that task.i really enjoyed the every second proper charge are complete after saw this movie. even my father also like it too much because the personality of his father was unique and like a perfect wise person who is followed by others. I appreciate efforts of sanjay dutt who play a independent and clear role with full masti and enjoyment. that movie also give one idea to do much care care for patients with emotionally not only treatment with medicine " a doctor is like friend and have a great behaviour to deal with every critical situation and remove stress of patient.


Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. is a Indian comedy drama . At the box office, it achieved a silver jubilee. The story involves protagonist Munna Bhair as Sajay Dutt , going to medical school. He is helped by his sidekick MUNNABHAI M.B.B.S., handles a complex subject in his debut vehicle.The camaraderie is simply fantastic. The pace of the film drops slightly towards the second half. The film can do without the romantic track, ' The songs Chhan Chhan. Besides this song, the film ought to be trimmed by at least 10 minutes to make the goings-on crisper. At the box-office, the emotions interlaced with light moments should ensure a victorious run for the film. Business in Mumbai territory should prove to be the best

Alok Chaudhary

An inspirational movie for all that are feeling demotivated, people who thought that they are nothing can see that movie this is best movie for all of them. It will show them all have talent in them but they do not have power to show it so this movie will give them new path also sanjay dutt has play a very good role in this film, no body can suit this role other than him. He also do very great works in this film. All think he is a criminal or he do not have heart but in this movie only he was there who have a great heart of love of doing great works. He help all which is duty of all but nobody rather than him do this only he was there who help all. This film is really great ever seen movie
