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Prêt-à-Porter (1994)

December. 23,1994
| Comedy

During Paris Fashion Week, models, designers and industry hot shots gather to work, mingle, argue and try to seduce one another.


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In the tradition of Nashville and Short Cuts comes another interweaving mix of odd tales set during a Parisian fashion show with an all star cast.Robert Altman is a true pro and one of American cinema's greats. Here, his slick directing, coupled with a snazzy and peppy soundtrack, and a veritable cornucopia of top actors keep things moving along well enough in his 1994 fashion satire to avoid boredom. But, unlike his other multi-strand tales like 'Nashville' and 'Short Cuts', the various stories never feel as satisfying or well connected.In fact, several are almost perfunctory and have absolutely nothing to do with the fashion trade (especially the Robbins-Roberts & Everett threads, neither of which feel important and lack full resolution). And alas, even then, the ones that do offer nothing biting, insightful or new to say about this sometimes crazy and backhanded business except the same tired 'natural is more beautiful' spiel. It's a shame too as the film is never out and out boring, but it just makes me wish for more. It had everything needed for a great film, and it ended up being just an okay one.Why, oh why, Bob?


A chronicle of the interconnected lives of a group of people in the lead up to Paris Fashion Week."Prêt-à-Porter" received generally negative reviews from critics; it currently holds a 26% 'rotten' rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Despite this, it was nominated for a Golden Globe. So, is it a masterpiece or a failure? No one knows for sure.In some ways, this is a return to "Nashville" in the sense that there are an incredibly large number of cast members, not always interacting. But the theme here seems more contained, with a central event connecting them all (even if loosely).


This film should be prescribed by doctors as a cure for insomniacs! It really doesn't go anywhere and is a total drag. It's hard to believe so many great actors were willing to participate in this waste of two hours. Tim Robbins made Shawshank Redeption in 1994 (One of the greatest films of all time) and then follows it up with this piece of junk??? Don't really know what he was thinking. Julia Roberts, Sophia Loren and a lot of other big name talents are in the film as well. Like I said earlier, if you are having trouble sleeping rent this DVD and it'll put you right to sleep! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...... I gave it two starts instead of one only for the naked models at the end.


I hated this movie, and to be honest, I don't know why I am posting a comment about it all these years later.This movie went on and on and on for what seemed like an eternity. I never did quite understand the plot and even Julia Roberts presence couldn't save this turkey for me.**SPOILER-The ending with all of the naked models walking down the runway grossed me out and made what was already an awful experience even worse.Save your money, this is another Hollywood bomb made by people just out to impress themselves rather than an audience. Yuck!
