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Mostly Martha

Mostly Martha (2001)

September. 10,2001
| Drama Comedy Romance

Martha is a single woman who lives for one passion: cooking. The head chef at a chic restaurant, Martha has no time for anything - or anyone - else. But Martha's solitary life is shaken when a fateful accident brings her sister's eight-year-old daughter, Lina, to her doorstep.


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Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"Bella Martha" is an almost 15-year-old movie by Sandra Nettelbeck. As in all her works she not only wrote the film, but also directed it. Also it was her very first movie for the big screen. Since then, in her next 3 projects, she has worked with Michael Caine, Jane Alexander, Gillian Anderson and Ashley Judd. Not too prolific though as she makes only one film every four years and next year she will turn 50. "Bella Martha" runs for roughly 100 minutes and was so appreciated that they made a US remake a couple years later with Catherine Zeta-Jones in the lead role. Here, however, it's all about Martina Gedeck. She won the German Film Award and also the German Film Critics Awards for her portrayal here. Sergio Castellitto (the male lead, you may know him if you're Italian or have watched Narnia) and Nettelbeck herself also scored some awards recognition.Idil Üner and Ulrich Thomsen appear in smaller roles here and the rest of the cast is not particularly famous, but still all experienced German actors. Gedeck has been in "Das Leben der Anderen" and "Der Baader Meinhof Komplex" since then, but the child actress, Maxime Foesrte, here has not been in films for several years now. Maybe she is back to "normal life". Would be a shame as she shows some potential here. She plays the daughter of a woman who gets killed in a car accident and has to deal with her aunt as her new "mother" from now on. Obvious, as a big part of the film is about cooking, they won't miss out on the funny parts that Gedeck's character does not prepare spaghetti for the girl, but instead highly exquisite dishes or wants to show her in one scene how you make the perfect crème brûlée. Or another comedic highlight were her sessions with her psychiatrist. And then there's the more serious parts of dealing with death or finding ways to a more fulfilling life.Bella Martha is a good mix of comedy, drama and love story, smartly written and with good performances from everybody involved. Not much wrong with this film except the cheesy title perhaps. Recommended.


I wish life turned out this fulfilling for all of us frustrated, over-achieving perfectionists who never find happiness. (but of course it never does) This was a completely engaging film and the acting was superb. It was refreshing to see a woman holding the upper hand in the place of employment (a nice change!) - but of course her authority is soon called into question by the arrival of the upstart chef who has charm to burn. And her life is deliciously complicated by the added responsibility of caring for a child she didn't plan for. How come I don't meet men this likable in MY life?!?!It was a great story and the characters' situations were real. Don't bother with the lame remake (No Reservations) starring Catherine Zeta-Jones. It has been YEARS since I've seen this film and I still have fond memories of it. Only the best and most treasured films stick with you like that.Highly recommended.


The kitchen makes for a good setting for movies. There's wonderful food, chefs with personality, and a rat... wait, that's Ratatouille, Pixar's latest offering which unfortunately won't be shown here until the end of next month. On the other hand, a trailer for a romantic comedy seemed to have caught my eye. Also set in a kitchen, it stars Catherine Zeta Jones and Aaron Eckhart opposite each other as chefs who don't get along but ultimately fall in love, you know, the usual opposites attract formula, in No Reservations.But I was surprised that it was actually based on a German movie called Mostly Martha back in 2001, based on a pickup at the library, and reading through the synopsis, it just couldn't be more coincidental as that. Hollywood has been poaching remake rights to a host of movies in Asia, from horror like Shutter, to crime thrillers like Confession of Pain, to Korean romantic comedies like My Sassy Girl and the likes. And of course, remakes and adaptations of movies from the European continent too. I wonder how much more original stories can Tinseltown spin on its own, without resorting to cannibalizing from others.Written and directed by Sandra Nettelbeck, Mostly Martha is not your typical romantic comedy, contrary to what the Hollywood remake would suggest (from the trailers so far). The premise is of course similar. Martha Klein (Martina Gedeck) is the head chef for a restaurant, a to the book, no nonsense, proud chef at that. She has a rigid lifestyle, and finds herself so high strung that on her employer's advice, reluctantly checks herself in for therapy. Her niece Lina (Maxime Foerste) drops into her life one day, and both find it difficult to adapt to one another, with Lina at first glance being your typical stubborn, bratty child. And things become worse when Martha has to face up to competition in her own kitchen, with the arrival of Italian chef Mario (Sergio Castellitto), a man whose laissez-faire style just drives her nuts.If Hollywood were to take the script from here, it would make it a simple, expected romantic tangle between Martha and Mario, in which the trailer for No Reservations seem to suggest. But Mostly Martha is more than that. It's deeper, more subtle, has negligible snarky remarks passing off as comedy, and doesn't turn the kid into a precocious cutesy tot. It's steers towards powerful drama territory, with each scene beautifully shot, minimal dialogue which just catches your attention span, and subtle philosophical ideas tossed into the whole works. It examines the relationships between all characters in a very engaging manner, and doesn't neglect any of the main leads.What emerges is a classy movie, with interesting reminders on life and living life. I particularly liked how fine dining gets weaved into the narrative, be it the preparation, or the properties, or just to decorate the set. Don't watch this on an empty stomach, please! What I found true is its account that unlike food, there is no recipe to life which you can follow step by step to a T, based on fixed parameters which if followed accurately, will bring out that flavour in the end result. Life can't be run that way, and certainly there is no recipe or formula on how to lead a successful life, having success defined by one's values.My advise would be, given that Hollywood has adopted key scenes in its own release, and signs do seem to point No Reservations towards a true blue romantic comedy, if you'd like, watch the Hollywood version, but please comeback to the original source material, and you'll understand why Hollywood wanted to remake this, and for you to experience the actual, rich storyline that Mostly Martha (or its German title Bella Martha) is actually all about.


A bit of Teutonic charm that brings you along almost effortlessly. It earns a 9 out of 10 from me, an almost perfect balancing of elements both sweet and savory. If you are a "foodie" then you will enjoy the kitchen scenes and attitudes. Food preparation is Martha's raisin d'etre, at least until she is forced to change from chef to caretaker of her sister's daughter. Then the grip Martha has on her world goes from "tight with the occasional slip" to "strained and slippery".Romantics will enjoy a process of interaction that becomes attraction between Martha and the new chef Mario. Their's is a perfectly paced interplay of her tense misgivings against his amiable demeanor. One almost wishes that Martha's psychiatrist demonstrated as much insight as Mario.No, the movie isn't perfect. The ending was a bit elaborate, a slightly simpler one might have been more effective. But it's by no means a bad ending as is. Small tweaks here and there would have made this a ten for me, but I suspect many viewers may find it a 10 in their books.I watched this with Rare Birds. Another supposedly foodie movie, but in fact, one that barely qualifies as such although Rare Birds is a pleasant two hours. Mostly Martha, as a double feature, would go very well with Chocolat. But it could also be paired with Eat, Drink, Man, Woman for a fusion of east - west dining/movies experience.
