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The Norliss Tapes

The Norliss Tapes (1973)

February. 21,1973
| Horror Thriller TV Movie

A newspaper publisher listens to the personal tapes of investigative reporter David Norliss, who has disappeared during an investigation. The tapes tell the story of that investigation, involving a recent widow whose late husband has been seen working in his private studio. As Norliss and the widow investigate, they unravel a plot involving Voodoo and the walking dead.


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"The Norliss Tapes" relays the most recent case investigated by occult investigator Norliss who has recently disappeared and left behind an archive of tapes detailing his recent cases. In Monterey, California, he meets Ellen Cort, a widow who claims she was attacked by her recently deceased husband on their sprawling estate. Norliss's investigation leads him all around the bay as he uncovers increasingly dark information regarding Ellen's late artist husband.A failed pilot-turned-television film, "The Norliss Tapes" was directed by cult TV horror icon Dan Curtis, and it has his stamp all over it. Running at a concise hour and ten minutes, the film is surprisingly absorbing and at times almost resembles a feature film. Though it shows its age, the production values given the era are surprisingly high, and the cinematography is top-notch. The relentless rain and misty landscapes of the northern California setting are phenomenally captured; I found myself completely drawn into the film in spite of its shortcomings.The narrative is fairly routine in terms of the moves it makes to advance the plot, and it does seem stilted on dialogue a bit too much in areas (which I chalk up to the limited time slot), but it does maintain a considerable level of intrigue nonetheless. There are several fantastic scare scenes that predate Tobe Hooper's "Salem's Lot" in which the undead husband makes sinister appearances—the rainstorm chase scene at the estate is very memorable. A gruff Roy Thinnes fits the role of Norliss very well, and Angie Dickinson is likable as the flummoxed widow; Vonetta McGee is also memorable as the mysterious madame who knows more about Dickinson's reanimated husband than she initially lets on."The Norliss Tapes" seems to have amassed a following over the years, largely of viewers who saw the film as children and were terrified of it (as is the case with many of these television horror movies from the seventies). The nostalgia factor is absent for me as I was not alive when the film was released, but there is an appreciable establishment of atmosphere and substantial intrigue at work here given the film was never actually intended to be packaged as a movie. Curtis would usher in "Trilogy of Terror" and the feature "Burnt Offerings" a few years later, both of which show a demonstrable refining of his talents, but "The Norliss Tapes" is no less an effective, compact offering that is shamelessly entertaining and also offers up a handful of masterfully-crafted scares. 7/10.


Finally saw this after almost 40 years. I didn't catch it on its original network broadcast. I have to agree with other reviews that say it's an inferior version of Kolchak: The Night Stalker.They have much in common, but so many differences in the ways that count. Darren McGavin was a much better actor in a much better written role, delivering that snappy, sardonic voice-over narration and funny quips, all with the infectious energy that Kolchak always showed and the quirkiness that tied it all together. Kolchak was very much interested in his stories, while Norliss seemed like he was rather reluctant and bored. There was no depth to David Norliss and the proceedings just slogged on monotonously. McGavin's acting made Kolchak's episodes worth watching even when the scripts were bad, not to mention his great supporting characters, both recurring and guests. Norliss was essentially a lone wolf. What was most amazing of all is that Kolchak continued to entertain by slaying monsters (literally) and police officials (figuratively) alike despite McGavin's disdain for the scripts and his bitterness over having been cheated of his promised role as series executive producer. That's the mark of a true professional and a great actor. Thinnes wasn't given much to work with here. He seemed like he was almost sleepwalking through the movie. And unlike Kolchak, Norliss barely interacted with other characters, let alone spar verbally with them.Worse, the blue-skinned zombie was every bit as bad as Kolchak's often embarrassing monsters. But without McGavin to distract from the situation, there was no disguising the silliness. Other similarities include Robert Cobert's creepy sul ponticello tremolando on the violin, so familiar from Kolchak episodes and opening titles, and the disbelieving sheriff.All in all, I'll stick with my DVD set of the Kolchak series. When the Norliss pilot ended, I really didn't care what had caused his mysterious disappearance and wouldn't have watched had the show been picked up by a network. It was only marginally better than the Night Stalker remake of 2005.


It's not often that I'm left unimpressed by cult programmes or films. "The Norliss Tapes", however, is an exception to the rule. Had I watched this made-for-television pilot at a tender age in the '70s, I would have no doubt been impressed by the creepy goings on. Watching this today, the production is poor and uninspiring. Blue faced vampires that make strange roaring noises do not make thrilling or chilling television. Fans may argue that this pilot is original for its time. Compared to the '70s plays by Nigel Kneale, this is horror by numbers. It lacks any real drama or substance. Even the presence of Angie Dickinson couldn't save this turkey.In short, this is best avoided - a waste of 80 minutes.


The only reason "The Norliss Tapes" deserves ANY stars is the presence of Angie Dickinson in the cast. Other than getting to see Angie Baby in a pre-"Police Woman" performance, there's nothing else worth seeing here.THE SYNOPSIS: *** MINOR SPOILERS *** David Norliss is tapped to write a book on the supernatural. One day he mysteriously disappears after phoning his publisher and suggesting he has stumbled across something that has placed him in mortal danger. The entire series for which this miserable pilot was written was apparently intended to be a series of flashbacks via the "Norliss tapes" -- a set of audio tapes the writer recorded while investigating cases of the supernatural. In the pilot episode, a wealthy sculptor dies -- but not before purchasing an ancient Egyptian scarab ring from a local occultist who assures him the bauble will give him immortality after death. We soon discover the ring itself doesn't grant immortality. Instead, it only reanimates the sculptor's corpse, allowing him to escape his crypt so he can run around town draining pretty girls of all their blood. Blue-faced, yellow-eyed and growling out ARRRGHHHHHHs you haven't heard since you last watched "Scooby Doo" cartoons, the sculptor attacks his wife (Dickinson) one dark night. She escapes and, via a mutual acquaintance, contacts Norliss to get his assistance in solving the mystery behind her late husband's uncanny reappearance on her estate. So is this guy a vampire? No. There's no vampire in this story despite what you may have read or heard. The sculptor doesn't drink his victims' blood -- he collects it. How? Don't know. We only see him attacking, never collecting. Why? To fulfill the second part of his bid for immortality. It turns out the reanimated sculptor will only be allowed to live forever if he builds a life-size statue of a demon named Sargoth out of a mixture of clay and human blood. Once it's finished, Sargoth plans to inhabit the statue, using it as his gateway into our world.THE FINAL ANALYSIS: "The Norliss Tapes" wasn't picked up as a series for a very good reason... it was garbage. As you can see from my synopsis, the story is a paltry, ill-conceived mess. The acting and dialogue offer no better. This isn't even a contender for a "So Bad It's Good" Award. Sometimes bad is just bad. After years of hearing underground rumblings about the great merits of "The Norliss Tapes," I was very excited to find it airing on Fox Movie Channel on 10/15/03. I wish I hadn't set myself up for the fall. Having screened this groaner for the first time two days ago, I can only assume any applause you've heard so far from other IMDB reviewers is coming from those who are reviewing the show based on dim memories and the nostalgia of youth. Or perhaps they are simply loyal fans of Dan Curtis. Either way, they've offered you misleading reviews of "The Norliss Tapes." Pauly Orchid -- October 17, 2003
