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Blind Horizon

Blind Horizon (2003)

December. 31,2003
| Drama Thriller Mystery

Left for dead in the remote Southwest, Frank is found clinging to life and in a state of amnesia. As he recovers, ominous memories begin to flash back...


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"Left for dead in the remote Southwest, Frank (Val Kilmer) is found clinging to life and in a state of amnesia. As he recovers from the bullet wounds, ominous memories begin to flashback - offering clues that point to an impending Presidential assassination," according to the home video box. Recovering from his forgetfulness, Mr. Kilmer leads the cast in smoking cigarettes. You are likely to determine Kilmer's true identity before he does. The JFK assassination is paralleled. Mysterious girlfriend Neve Campbell (as Chloe Richards) and nursing blonde Amy Smart (as Liz Culpepper) are very beautiful and director Michael Haussman's slithery style carries some excitement, when the women are not on screen.**** Blind Horizon (12/16/03) Michael Haussman ~ Val Kilmer, Neve Campbell, Sam Shepard, Amy Smart


Disregard the pathetically low average rating for this film, which is actually what prompted me to add a review. When I read the earlier ones, I was pleased to see most who took the time to add one enjoyed the movie.In short - if you're looking for mindless, gut-busting action, then this movie might strike you as a "cold, greasy scrambled egg" as one reviewer cryptically described it.If you appreciate a more thoughtful approach to plot and character construction that still delivers plenty of suspense despite its understatement, then it might perhaps be nearly as palatable as, say, a warm, non-greasy scrambled egg.It's also worth noting that Sam Shepard delivers a great performance in the film. Enjoy.


Recap: A man is found out in the desert, shot and left for dead. But he survives and the sheriff starts to investigate. There aren't many clues though as the man doesn't remember anything, not even his name. His fiancée shows up a few days later though saying that his name is Frank Kavanaugh. But bits and pieces of Frank's memory returns and he starts to make outrageous claims that the president will come to the little town, and that someone wants to assassinate him. After that strange things and strange people turns up and especially one cute nurse gets Frank's attention.Comments: A good story but an average and pretty ordinary thriller. Val Kilmer stars but also gets very good support from Amy Smart and Neve Campbell, but maybe especially Sam Shepard. But a thriller that is supposed to be full of surprises, it hurts from being awfully predictable. Almost from the very beginning it is clear how it is going to end, and the movie confirms these predictions step by step.So even if the story is good, albeit a little full of clichés, the cast is good, both Kilmer and Smart are underrated, it turns out to be just average. It's a typical movie to watch an evening when the schedule is empty, but nothing to put before anything else.6/10


Frank(Val Kilmer) is a lone man with no identity who loses his records and suffers amnesia after being wounded in the desert of New Mexico. He has visions about truck accident, hit men, clown,explosion and snipers. He's attended in a hospital of a small town by a beautiful nurse(Amy Smart) and the doctor(Gil Bellows). Meanwhile the sheriffs town(Sam Shepard , Noble Willinghan) are investigating the strange deeds. And appear a mysterious girl(Neve Campbell) reclaiming to be his fiancée. Events go wrong and he realizes he can be a murderer has been hired to kill the US President. He must find a way to find out the enigma.This Neo-noir film packs action, suspense, thrills, shoot-out up and exciting scenes. The main and secondary casting make a first class performance. Kilmer as hapless is cool, he's the first among equal from extraordinary cast, such as Sam Shepard as obstinate deputy , Giancarlo Esposito as a stubborn journalist and Faye Dunaway as shifty woman, among others. The film is slickly narrated in original manner by means of several flashbacks, puzzles and jigsaw, for that reason and its pretentious plot results to be a little confuse. Contains stimulating action set pieces as the spectacular gun-play proceeded in a tumultuous square where come in the US President. There's a little homage to the Mexican wrestling genre when the starring enter to theatre while are showing the film titled 'Santo faces death'(1969)directed by Orozco and starred by Santo and Frank Braña. The film is produced with middling budget by Milennium, as usual, Avi Lerner, Danny Lerner, Trevor Short and Boaz Davison. The motion picture is professionally directed by Michael Haussman in his first and only movie. Although sometimes is dull and boring, the superb cast, relentless intrigue and fascinating thriller make this one well worth seeing.
