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23 (1998)

January. 14,1999
| Drama Thriller

The movie's plot is based on the true story of a group of young computer hackers from Hannover, Germany. In the late 1980s the orphaned Karl Koch invests his heritage in a flat and a home computer. At first he dials up to bulletin boards to discuss conspiracy theories inspired by his favorite novel, R.A. Wilson's "Illuminatus", but soon he and his friend David start breaking into government and military computers. Pepe, one of Karl's rather criminal acquaintances senses that there is money in computer cracking - he travels to east Berlin and tries to contact the KGB.


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Hans Christian Schmid's "23" presents a not too far away time, when it was possible, that some amateurs could break into the world's most important computer systems. And on of those hackers was Karl Koch, a young idealist with big interest in theories about a world conspiracy. Why did Karl Koch become as paranoid as he did? That's the question I asked myself after watching "23". Maybe it's for the better that the question doesn't get a clear answer, because there won't be one. It could be the seed of his father, who is unwilling to try to understand him and causes rebellion. Or maybe that Karl focuses strongly on the negative sides of our society, mostly of them he feels unable to change. The movie makes an exciting journey alongside Karl, showing us his good intentions and his naivety. This all becomes possible with the great acting of August Diehl and his co-stars Fabian Busch, Jan Gregor Kremp and Dieter Landuris.


The premise of this film is that late teen hacker Karl Koch, rebelling against his conservative(step)father and concerned with the complex conspiracy theories laid out in the novel "Illuminati", gets drawn in by two dodgy dealers that convince him that, as all info should be available to everybody, it would be absolutely consequential to conduct computer-espionage for the Sowiet Union. Accompanied by his friend David, this enterprise develops into a drugged and paranoid trip. In my opinion, the film renders quite a nice picture of what must have been the atmosphere during this period in German history, at the same time allowing a look back at early hacking. Conspiracy theory, though, is given the heaviest stress, in combination with the two youths getting carried away by the sheer excitement of their 'revolutionary' activities - and noses full of coke. Admittedly, it seems hardly believable this would be based on a true story. One of the reviews featured here, though, accused the actors of being to 'theatrical'. Although they might not perform on an academy-award-winning level, I rather thought everybody was acting pretty fairly.


An intriguing portrait of a young man drifting away from reality. And since that young man was a famous hacker with an unhealthy interest in conspiracies, the movie has got to be about conspiracies, right? Wrong. But that's exactly what the ads would like you to think. Very bad marketing for a very good movie. And beware: it can bring you to tears!! (Just thinking about that PDP in the rain makes me weep ... *sniff*)


For many viewers this film was spoilt by advertising, that showed a movie full of spying, hacking and big mysteries.Yes. Big mysteries.Left is one. How does a pretty smart guy lose contact to the "Reality", whatever that is meant? It is good, that this movie only had a low budget, that makes it possible to recognize the smallest change in acting.Simple plot, overwhelming acting, financial flop, just a terrific film.Thumbs up and 10 points
