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The Power of Nightmares

The Power of Nightmares (2004)

October. 19,2004
| Documentary

A series of three documentaries about the use of fear for political gain.


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3 part BBC documentary/essay that is unlikely to get a regular release in the US. I got a copy from the first 3 issues of Wholphin the McSweeny's sister DVD magazine which had one part in each issue. The film shows how the rise of fundamentalist Islam began at the same time as the birth of the neo-conservative movement and how the two are variations of the same theme (you understand why this won't play in Peoria). the film suggests that both groups want to gain power by creating a world view that will allow them to rule by fear. It also supposes that the grand terrorist network isn't there and that the Islamic we fear isn't going to happen.Enlightening, frightening and the sort of thing that gets the little grey cells going this is an interesting historical look at the way things are and why we are in the situation we're in. Its not the be all and end all since while it does connect many of the dots it also leaves out many details that could color the central thesis. As with many films history isn't this neat. The film was made 4 years ago and much has happened since then, and I'm not certain all of the points still hold true.The films biggest flaw, if you can call it that, is that the film is much too long at three hours. To be certain the film was made to be seen on three nights over three weeks, but the amount of information contained is so dense even that is too much (I watched this over a couple of days and feel overwhelmed by it. I was almost ready to hang it up half way in simply because its just too much.) Too much or not its worth seeing, or rather it still demands to be seen simple because it will put things in to a new perspective. Is it the correct one, I don't know that would be fore you to decide, but make the choice and try and see this.

Rob Vos

Adam Curtis knows very well how to tell a story. This strong political analysis about two major movements in contemporary history, Islamic fundamentalists and the Neo-conservatives feels like a thriller. It is a long, breathtaking political video-clip. It starts with the hypnotic intro and the haunting music of Brian Eno's 'The big ship' and after that you will be in a brilliant and intelligent edited film, in a roller-coaster of imagination and suggestion. At the same time a lot of major players in the field are interviewed and the research is outstanding. Nevertheless there are some remarks to make about the trilogy of Curtis. The storyline of the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and the Neo-conservatives as almost similar political movements of machines of fear is in my opinion interesting and plausible but too much constructed as a simple story of cowboys and Indians. In Curtis vision it seems like there is no room for chaos or coincidence. Although the result is an almost hermetic political vision, this documentary is a firm, intelligent and important statement and one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. Try to see it somewhere.


This documentary is as astonishing as it is bold. It describes HOW we got to the current situation of fighting the war on terror, how the islamists got their ideas, how incredibly similar the mindsets of extremists on both sides are, etc.It shows stuff like how Christian extremists got to power in the US on the belief that there is a global terrorist movement "out there", idea that was invented by the CIA a few years ago to smear the soviets! And now it is not a lie anymore. The CIA tries to tell them it is all a fabrication and no one believes them. It's ridiculous!Anyway, this is a great documentary. It is politics and history of the modern world, not the dusty, re-re-re-refactored ancient history that we feed children at school. Although a bit one sided, it is a must see. I gave it a 9! Me! Go watch it!


I recently watched all three episodes of 'the power of nightmares' and found it to be the most important and eye opening documentary of recent years. Like his recent documentary (the trap), Curtis has produced a series that goes beyond the one way system of daily news reporting to something that strips away what we perceive as a threat to our world and our civilization and to look at its origins and its truthful existence. 'The power...' focuses on two movements, the Islamic movement and the American Neo-conservative movement, there origins, there battles to overthrow and instill there ideology in positions of power and to eventually the confrontation between both movements, set off by the events of 9/11. Curtis inter-cuts the interviews with key figures from both sides and also analysts on the subjects, with archival footage from films and news reports, to show how both movements started off on ideology's that would eventually agree with each other particularly during the Russian Afghanistan war of the 1980's. Yet a small group of extreme Islamist funded by Bin Laden, eventually broke off, with no enemy to fight or revolution to instill, they declared a war on America, eventually leading to the attacks on New York, September 11th 2001. Curtis comes to the conclusion that the threat of Al Quieda, has become a fantasy, enforced by the Neo cons and also taken on board by the British government, to instill a purpose for there selected governments, rather than being leaders who promise a bright future, they become leaders who will lead against the rise and threat of terrorism to there people and to there way of life, even though the threat is non-existent and becomes a phantom enemy. Curtis' series is well written, researched and engaging in showing you the true and stark picture behind the disinformation regularly given in the daily news and television media. Its also good to see the BBC producing documentary's of this quality in an age where TV is slowly becoming a succession of reality TV shows, and celebrity 'dancing on ice competitions.' This documentary treats its audience with intelligence, its demanding viewing, yet is rewarding. Check out Curtis' later documentary 'THE TRAP: WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR DREAMS OF FREEDOM,' again another insightful series. Your are being lied to!
