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Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take?

Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011)

November. 11,2011
| Documentary

An unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's really going on in our world by following the money upstream - uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.


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Silly me read this: "An unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's really going on in our world by following the money upstream" in the summary and thought it was an actual documentary about the economy.Little did I know that Thrive deals only in aliens and manipulative computer graphics. The entire set-up reminded me of the TV-show Ancient Aliens. Neither Ancient Aliens nor Thrive qualify to be classified as documentaries."All facts in this movie have been independently confirmed"This statement in the beginning should let you know that what you're about to see is pure fiction.


THIS FILM IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR FREE. Check their web page for more information.Thrive is a film that does an excellent job of compiling some of the most important ideas of fringe information. Even better, they provide the viewer with a positive perspective on all of it. They even go a step further with a web page to help network, learn more, and check references for everything they state in the film.I had previously watched over 300 hours of online video regarding fringe topics. And I was really impressed at how Thrive took some of the most important aspects of that information and put it in to one film.Fringe information can be disturbing. So the fact that they also give some great positive ideas at the end is significant.Thrive also offers some new ideas I had not heard before.All media is biased. All of us...are biased. But I believe that if we are to get closer to what the Truth really is...the best way is to expose ourselves to a large variety of information sources and ideas. This film is a great way to do that.


Host was using every now and then some key words, talking about him on life-long quest in search for answer, ancient wisdom he learn about universal in Universe patterns, he called him self "independent journalist" as well.If you'd like to know what's this about, well it's just poorly made propaganda on Illuminati preventing us from having clean source of clean energy, from contact with friendly aliens, from being happy, libertarian society with unlimited income and extremely limited taxes.And apparently they'll kill some of us with laser beams from orbit, because we have now microchips in our bodies and government can track us down, and there are camps (I can't see why not) all over the USA just getting ready for American citizens to be contained, and probably slaughtered.Just save your time, please and watch something else.


Besides the alien stuff which is harder to prove this documentary is very accurate according to my own research over the past few years. To the guy from Denmark who said this was nothing but propaganda, maybe you should take them time to do your own research on these subjects. Also I agree people should not always believe everything they see or read especially when it comes from known liars and people with an agenda. No one fits those characteristics better than corporations and governments. If people are interested in a few books of well sourced material on some of these topics, I recommend En Route To Global Occupation by Gary Kah, Mankind At The Turning Point which is a book put out by one of the elites think tank groups the Club of Rome. A few more books that get in to the agenda of the elites and the organizations and think tanks they run try The deliberate dumbing down of America by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt and Behind The Green Mask: UN Agenda 21 by Rosa Koire. You can get the original edition of the deliberate dumbing down for free in digital format at deliberatedumbingdown.com or buy her new revised and abridged edition on that site or Amazon.
