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The Horde

The Horde (2010)

October. 26,2010
| Horror Action Thriller

A bunch of crooked cops raid a ruined building located in an impoverished suburb of Paris, determined to furiously avenge the death of one of them, murdered by the ruthless criminal gang hidden on top of the dark labyrinth that will become a deathly trap when the living, unexpectedly turned into the undead by a mysterious plague, begin to devour the world.


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I thought this was a pretty good zombie flick where the filmmakers tried their best, in the time allowed, to develop their "heroes" as best and as quickly as they possibly could. There was lots of tension, lots of drama, and bucket loads of blood strewn about like cherry blossom petals in a rainstorm.The only aggravating bits to me were that all the tough guys whimpered like three year old girls on their first sight of blood. I'm exaggerating, but I think you know what I mean. If you're going to be, then man up and be tough, dammit! Other than that I thought it was an enjoyable flick and worth watching.


Despite a plethora of zombie films being made around the world in the last ten years, very few of them are actually any good; I think the last one I really enjoyed was the Spanish REC. Good news, then, that the French have finally done themselves proud with THE HORDE, which turns out to be one of the most exciting - and desperate - zombie films of the last few years.Don't go here looking for originality, because you won't find it. THE HORDE's storyline is nothing to write home about, and the cast is typical for those of us familiar with French cinema like DISTRICT 13. In essence, a group of gangsters, cops and eccentrics are cooped up in a run-down apartment block and forced to fend off the frenzied attacks of the living dead.The characters are all hard-ass and the script is littered with tough-as-nails dialogue, but along the way there are some genuinely decent performances, particularly from Jean-Pierre Martins and Eriq Ebouaney, whose initial hostility gradually gives way to a grudging respect. But the characters come second to the direction, which is all about tense, close-quarters combat, and the film-makers don't skimp on the bloodshed either. This is a nasty movie, in which the zombies are vicious man-eaters all the way. There's even time for something new, in the form of some breathtaking hand-to-hand combat battles between humans and zombies which are like something out of THE RAID and just as great to watch. THE HORDE is a great little movie and one I'll enjoy rewatching in future.


This is one of the better zombie movies around. With so many coming out lately, most of them are pretty terrible with some decent zombie action. This one, while still cheesy, actually has really good acting, which goes a long way.The acting and gore effects are just as good as any big-budget zombie flick. The writing, or dialogue can be strange at times, but fills out its' own cool style.The zombies are runners, and are very ferocious -- almost like the vampires in Stakeland really...The best part of this movie, is people actually use their fists to fend off zombies instead of just crumble in defeat. One guy has a really long and awesome fist fight with two zombies in a hallway. This scene alone would make the movie watchable. Fortunately the movie has a lot of great stuff.I own over 50 zombie movies, and this one is definitely in the top 20 or 15 of those. Highly recommended for zombie fans!


When a group of corrupt Parisian cops seek revenge on a Nigerian mafia circle, for the murder of one of their friends, things go wrong for them when they find themselves on the wrong end of the ambush. Trapped in a condemned block of flats, life for the cops couldn't be worse. Well, at least they thought so. That was before they realised that the outside world has transformed into bloodthirsty Zombies!!! With little to no hope of survival on their own, the cops and mafia do the unthinkable. Join forces, in order to repel the horde of Zombies, in an effort to get out of there alive.If you want a Horror film that will make you think and poses a strong message, I would say forget about seeing this one. If you want a film that doesn't hold back on excessive violence at nearly every breath, then this is the best ticket in town. I would compare this to more of a video game. In that you get very limited character background, and it just goes headlong into a craze of violence and action, before you can blink an eye. Let me tell you one thing. The action in this film, will please any fan of Action. The horror element, obviously, is strong, but at no stage will you be scared. The Zombies in this film cop one hell of a beating, and you may even find yourself feeling sorry for the Zombies! I know, crazy right? Well that's the kind of film this is. Just balls to the wall action from start to finish. By the time the film reaches its conclusion, you will be thinking "I need to catch my breath" before popping it back into the DVD player for a repeat viewing! Fantastic fun! Like it should be!
