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Big Stan

Big Stan (2007)

November. 03,2007
| Comedy Crime

A weak con man panics when he learns he's going to prison for fraud. He hires a mysterious martial arts guru who helps transform him into a martial arts expert who can fight off inmates who want to hurt or love him.


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Geoffrey DeLeons

This movie had a lot going for it. The theme of beating the bad guy is always welcome to me. The writing was decent, the characters memorable and the location (state prison) in which Stan prevails is unusual. This movie could have been great had it stayed focused and had something to say (better dialogue, more development of Stan's character). I think there were three major scenes that caused diffusion in the movie, though; One is the scene where Stan re-appears outside the dojo to do combat with the head instructor. This is childish and ridiculous. The instructor had every right to determine what happened or didn't inside his dojo, and Stan's earlier rudeness deserved to be met with some resistance. He ended up being a big cry baby because he was an arrogant punk. The second scene was brief, but showed one of his aggressors in prison wearing a diaper, unable to control his bodily functions and on an I.V. drip. obviously, the movie screenwriter and director wanted to impart the opinion that raping someone is okay as long as they, too, are an aggressor. I found that scene one of the most vulgar and unnecessary I have ever seen. The third scene that I found to be ill-conceived was the ending, when the warden was firing a rifle into the courtyard of prisoners. Stan suggested that he "give it up", and he did. A really lack-luster and disappointing ending to what could have been a decent movie.

Michael Ledo

Big Stan (Rob Schneider) is arrested in the opening scene for fraud. He is sentenced to go to prison. Not wanting to be raped in jail, he hires "The Master" (David Carradine) to teach him how to fight. In 6 months our weakling Stan is converted into a fighting machine capable of defeating men several times his size and strength.In prison, Big Stan becomes the top dog and pacifies the inmates to the dismay of the warden. The humor consisted of stale prison jokes and pokes fun at Scientology. I found it rather lame and juvenile.F-bomb, brief nudity, crude sexual content.


Now before watching this movie and seeing the trailer, I thought it was gonna be another typical unfunny Rob Scheidner movie with a lot of dirty and childish jokes, but then I watched the movie and I was surprised. It was actually pretty good and it had many funny parts. Another thing that I liked about in this movie, is Scheinder's character- Big Stan. This time Rob wasn't a weirdo but he felt like a real person and his acting was pretty good in this.The movie is basically a comedy, revenge theme centering on one man's fear of getting raped in prison. There are not really any 'roll on the floor' moments but the film isn't totally void of its' comedic moments and most will enjoy Rob beating the crap out of everyone. Its also somewhat more serious than his previous films and thats a good thing. It worked in this film. The fight scenes were great.The movie changes is somewhat different in the first half and second half. The first half was him preparing to go to prison (going to court, training with The Master, talking to his wife). The second half deals with a comic prison story. Rob Schneider made the film very entertaining, as the story is very interesting. He also makes you laugh in weird ways. There are quite some of funny moments, the practise sessions, the fights & changes in the prison & lots more. This film didn't make it in the theatres in the and I feel that it should have. IMO it was much better than Deuce Biggolo: European Giggilo. ==== As a rewatch (06/15/18') Big Stan remains an entertaining film. Although the film is very silly and unrealistic, that was mainly the point, At a certain point, we get used to it and it becomes much more engaging. Feeling as if critics were far too harsh on this film and expected something completely different. Years later, this film reminds and is quite similar to 2015's Get Hard starring Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart.


From start to finish, the new comedy Big Stan is way more original than most movies out there. Surprisingly, this great comedy actually stars Rob Schneider, who in this, is surprisingly hilarious. He plays Stan, a time share worker who gets arrested for fraud. Instead of automatically sending him to prison, the court gives him six months before serving a minimum of three years. He is afraid of being sexually molested in prison so in order to learn how to protect himself, he enlists the help of The Master (David Carradine), a professional kung fu fighter. Enter Stan in prison. The head of the prison is trying to build a place to do business with, and enlists the help of Stan. If Stan does that, he gets out after a year. Stan becomes the role model of the prison. If he says there shall be no violence, everyone agrees there shall be no violence. Rob Schneider is greatly natural in his role. Unlike with a lot of Schneider's previous roles, he doesn't go too over the top. Instead he is as calm and funny as ever. This movie thoroughly earns all the big laughs it gets. It is a perfect parody showing how ludicrous these prison films are. This is a great comedy definitely worth checking out if you have any sense of humor.
