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Fair Game

Fair Game (1995)

November. 03,1995
| Action

Max Kirkpatrick is a cop who protects Kate McQuean, a civil law attorney, from a renegade KGB team out to terminate her


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This movie was perhaps not the most accurate when it comes to effects, cars don't explode when they make contact with stationary objects, but isn't movies some entertainment? The movie caught on quite quickly, no slogging with getting to know characters just some prime action directly. Cindy isn't perhaps the most capable actress but she is fair to look at. I liked the movie, it tickled some laughs and gave my some entertaining moments. I rate this much higher than a lot of drama that seems to be the only thing people like these days. I might have things go another way if I where to shoot this movie, but the action was good, even though it was predictable sometimes.


I was fueling at the truck stop in Florida,chatting with the hog hauler fueling at the pump next to me. He was telling me about the time he had pulled off the road to take his 8 hour break,when a bunch of Russians pulled him out of his truck at gun point. Made him open his trailer,all the time yelling "Where are they". One had a g.p.s. locater device. He makes his way thru the hogs and stops about half way through the trailer. Stops ,reaches down through the hop crap, and picks up a cell phone. Im thinking,"Some truck drivers have nothing better to do but think up wild stories to tell his fellow truckers." Cindy Crawford,Selma Hayek,Johann Carlo, and Jenette Goldstein are hot!! ---One Truck Drivers Opinion--- erldwgstruckermovies.com


Supermodel Cindy Crawford launches her star movie career,and promptly crashes it in FAIR GAME.The premise to begin with is heavily far-fetched as we're supposed to accept La Crawford as a high-flying lawyer in trouble with ex-KGB baddies intending to exterminate her at all cost over some nonsense concerning a boat belonging to an associate,while would-be macho cop Billy Baldwin is on hand to protect our Cindy when the ensuing mayhem starts.And what mayhem! The above is the basic plot line,thin even for a routine one-hour TV episode.Perhaps unconsciously realising this,the film's makers decide to pad it out with as much absurd,ludicrous and hilariously over-the-top action as possible,with barely the slightest concern for intelligence,wit,or logical plot development.Crawford herself looks predictably lovely in various states of skimpy dress or undress,but this is the only positive aspect of her performance;when it comes to delivering the admittedly hackneyed dialogue,she struggles terribly and embarrasses herself,as mostly does her leading man Baldwin.Steven Berkoff is mildly enjoyable in yet another variation on his innumerable mad Soviet-style villains,but his hammy,bellowing visage becomes tiresome.The film's only assured performance comes in a cameo from Salma Hayek,as a former beau of Baldwin's.Ms Hayek would've been a better choice than Crawford as the leading lady;she is criminally wasted in this tiny role.Cindy C as a lawyer broke credulity barely as the film started;if anything,it goes even more downhill from there as Berkoff and Co.(thanks to sophisticated computer tracking devices) are remarkably clever at tracking the exact point and time wherever Cindy and Billy happen to be,but despite the couple being armed with little more than a token gun and their fists (though in Cindy's case,her breasts,which are teasingly present underneath tight-fitting t-shirts),they are hopelessly inept at bumping off their prey,despite seemingly having the equivalent of the entire world's military hardware to hurl at them! Aside from the odd scratch here and there and mussed-up hair,the hero and heroine amazingly survive their ordeal unscathed.With such dumbness present,FAIR GAME could've been enjoyed as a no-brain action thriller had there been any sort of chemistry with the two leads and better dialogue.Since it fails dismally on most of these and other points,it is barely watchable,and Cindy Crawford has not starred in any film since.She has however,performed adequately in supporting roles (her appearance on US sitcom THIRD ROCK FROM THE SUN received unexpected praise in some quarters) in other films and TV programmes.Cindy Crawford is a great supermodel,an acceptable small-part actress,but not a leading actress.Perhaps even Cindy realises that now.Rating:2 and a half out of 10.

Alex Raynes

This was by far one of the worst films ever made. Money definitely should have been spent on some acting lessons. The plot was needing of well ANYTHING and there was no chemistry between the actors. There was a lot of things being blown up… unfortunately none of them was the film itself. Cindy Crawford is of course a beautiful center piece but her acting is so strained there is no emotional connection with her acting partners or with the audience. Baldwin also bombed in having any kind of real or believable connection with his scene partners. I actually walked out of this movie because it was so painful. Some really good films would be Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo in the "Thomas Crown Affair" or a more comical film like "True Lies"
