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Ritual (2012)

April. 26,2012
| Horror Thriller Mystery

A father on vacation wakes up separated from his family and races through the woods to find them.


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Paul Magne Haakonsen

"Modus Anomali" (aka "Ritual") was nothing like I had hoped for, given the DVD cover which looked rather interesting. I had expected that I would be in for a tour de force or for an impressive horror movie, but I was disappointed on both accounts.To be honest, then I must admit that my interest in the movie dwindled quite quickly and found myself with my attention to the phone instead of the movie. And for me, that is a sign of a very uninteresting movie, because I have a tendency of sticking with most movies to the end. As such, I made it roughly halfway through "Modus Anomali" before I just gave up out of sheer boredom and turned off the movie.The storyline in "Modus Anomali" was boring and lacking things to keep the audience nailed to their seats. Basically the storyline was just a guy running around in a forest, trying to elude some unseen antagonist, but failing horribly at doing just that.I think that the people involved in the movie did have a blast in filming and making it, but director Joko Anwar failed to put together an impressive movie.Having given up on the movie, I can honestly say that I will never make a second attempt at finishing it. It just simply isn't worth the time or effort.I am sure there is an audience out there somewhere for a movie such as "Modus Anomali". I just wasn't part of that audience - possibly even as far away from that target audience as I could possibly be.

Charlie X (kerli2600)

Just because people gave this film a low score doesn't mean they are incompetent. This film received a low score for a reason. I finished this film and I give it as such for couple of reasons. One is the story. it started off well where the main character with no memory is stuck in the forest. The tension in the first 30 minutes of the film was superb. Not knowing what's going to happen adds a great deal of mystery and suspense. I wish the writer or director would maintain the atmosphere throughout the movie. It died down as soon as the two kids were introduced. As the story progresses somewhere in the hour mark made it looked like it was ending when there was 20 minutes left in the film. I don't want to give too much off the story away but overall it didn't make any sense and the twist at the end was a cop out. No payoff whatsoever and I bet people who praised this film only because of the twist ending. I have to disagree because when your story does not have a definitive explanation as to why the events are happening or for what purpose then there's no reason why it shouldn't sense. I don't expect the film to spoon feed the audience but at least have a reasonable script. That goes double with the twist ending. In addition to this, there was a lot of plot holes. The acting was terrible. Even though the actors' native language is not English, there is no excuse for that. At least give some effort to the characters. On top of that the dialog was terrible as well. The special effects on the blood was decent nothing special. A negative point was the vomiting scene which was poorly made. The cgi was awful even for a low budget film. I've seen low budget films that didn't have poorly done special effects.The music was pretty good. There was ominous music though I wish they didn't overplay during the chase scenes. The first 30 minutes proved this by having silent moments to add the tension. Camera work was wonky at times. it didn't really bother me. Overall this film was a massive letdown. I was into the story for about 30 minutes of it. Although it went downhill after that I was still interested on how is it that the rest of the story turn out. About the hour mark is when I was disappointed and kind of mad. The twist would have worked if it makes sense but even if it did then what was the purpose of the events unfolding. I give this film a two out of five simply because I enjoyed the tension and mystery part of the film and I wasn't entirely bored throughout the film.


The movie starts you out confused but interested. It gives you a chance to put all of the pieces together as you watch the main character attempts to solve the mystery and save his siblings. Finally you think you have the plot down and you are ready to label the film "slasher flick involving dummies not looking for help, but fighting the battle themselves in the woods". Same lost in the woods genre movies" The director takes you on the twist of the epic proportion. This movie is a classic and a must see for true horror/suspense fans, but you have to be patient,. All will come to light prior the credits rolling and you will rewind it at leas once, if you are like me. ENJOY!!!


Started watching this film with very high expectations. i could not have been more disappointed. As for the twist in the end it does not make any sense whatsoever and throughout the film the actions of the lead character are beyond stupid(when you watch this movie you will understand. I am shocked to see that people have rated this fairly high when i would give it a maximum of 4. If you agree with this review after watching please comment, many thanks, hope you enjoy this awful movie as i certainly did not. Like i said the film does start off with some potential but as the film progresses it goes dramatically down hill. You can also tell from this movie that the acting is very bad and that they should have made it in the original language instead of the cast speaking English, very silly if you ask me..
