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Savage Streets

Savage Streets (1984)

October. 05,1984
| Drama Action Crime

Brenda, vivacious leader of the "Satins", a fun-loving group of pretty high school girls, searches for deadly vengeance against the gang members who assaulted her deaf-mute sister.


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Savage Streets is the absolute worst. Vulgar and really really stupid.After seeing this I feel I must narrow down my movie watching to more selective viewing, utter trash. Cringe worthy throughout, not one good character.


Linda Blair was notorious for starring in some rather risqué and controversial roles after The Exorcist. This baby is one of them, and I can say unabashedly that I enjoyed the hell out of it. This represents everything that I loved about the 80's. Bad hairdo's, hilariously dated outfits, and the no holds barred approach. It does have some powerful moments. Brenda (Blair) has a deaf sister who gets raped in the girl's locker room. (Linnea Quigley in an early role) It certainly hit home, and wasn't pleasant to watch, but once Linda Blair goes on the warpath to revenge, it's all fun and games from there. How can you not resist Linda Blair cursing like a sailor at her caring teacher while she's dangling a cigarette from her mouth in a classroom? Or spouting Freddy Krueger like lines in a dark alley at a group of thugs that raped her deaf sister? Hell; a girl gets thrown over a bridge onto the road, and nobody bothers to stop or look around. That was my favorite. Brenda and the token cheerleader Cindy have some hilarious verbal jousting and even get into it in a shower! I won't reveal everything, but it really is vigilante brilliance. Linda Blair is miscast, but a lot of fun to watch nonetheless. She goes all hammy and bad-ass with it. Her cheesy one- liners are a hoot, and I give the girl credit for being completely committed to the role with bravado and guts. It's probably my favorite role of hers. (Yes. Even more so than Regan) Robert Drake is excellent as the leader of the Scars, and I had a blast with his sleazy portrayal of Jake. He is typical bully fodder, but he was still fun. Linnea Quigley is infamous for cheesy roles and this is one of her best. John Vernon shows up to collect a paycheck and has a bit of fun as the foul mouth principal. He steals scenes that he is in. Loved him!Final Thoughts: A guilty pleasure at it's finest. For anyone that trashes this film, calling it uncouth or similar things like that… Don't be such a stickler! There are a few unpleasant scenes, but it remains one of my favorite exploitation movies. If you manage to find it online, give it a whirl. I'd even go as far to say it's worth tracking down on DVD. 7/10


I saw this movie on the Horror channel in UK.I was never real going to watch but when I was reading the plot, sound good and it really intrigued me. so I gave it go!A teenage vigilante seeks revenge on a group of violent thugs, who raped her handicapped sister and killed her best friend.I was really shocked, that I enjoyed this, it had some descent plot.With some cheesiness adding as well, which worked really well with the rest of the movie.As I really enjoy it , good cheesy movie.There was some shocking moments as well well.The dose feel a little out dated now, who knows there could a remake of this movie just around the comer .(Don't get any idea Hollywood :)).This was really well and never got boring, there still thing they could have done better.I going to give this 5 out of 10


OK, so this is not award material - well, except for a Razzie for star Linda Blair - but, it was an entertaining flick for the times.Blair did a credible job as the local tough at school, but she had this protective side when it came to her deaf-mute sister, played in what has to be Linnea Quigley's sweetest role ever. I mean she was cherub sweet, and not just because of her disabilities, but she radiated an angelic aura. That made her violation at the hands of the local toughs just that much more devastating.In a Charles Bronson reprise, Blair goes after the scum who did her sister, and gets her revenge. How she managed to evade arrest when the police finally make an appearance in this movie is a real mystery.
