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Reality (2015)

May. 01,2015
| Comedy

A wanna-be director is given 48 hours by a producer to find the best groan of pain, worthy of an Oscar, as the only condition to back his film.


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Yesterday I saw Réalité for the second time. And I found it even better than the first time. So I had to upgrade my rating from 9 to 10. Why? Well, because this film is... genius... funny... and a great trip altogether:The main story is about a guy (Jason) who has an idea for a film, but all he needs to get a contract signed, is the perfect (death)scream. He strains every nerve to obtain this sound. Then there is also the story of the producer who offers to sign this film, but who is also working on another film. This film, directed by cult director 'Zog', is very intriguing, compelling, a little bit artsy, and eventually the stories get mixed up with each other, and other stories. These other stories involving a cooking studio, a guy who likes dressing up like a woman, and a few more.Boy, did I had a good time watching this movie! The absurd dialogues, the details, the music, the plots mixing together. It had me glued in my chair like Jason.The acting is very good. The filming as well.I believe perhaps one would enjoy the movie more if you're bilingual (French-English)But all in all, one of the most sophisticated movies I've seen in a long time. If you like David Lynch, you will like Réalité


This is an incredibly odd film that basically occupies itself with contradicting everything you might expect. From the narrative structure of the film itself, down to the smallest details. A little girl's name is Reality yet she experiences things that can't possibly happen like seeing a videotape come out of a boar's stomach or her mother reading her a bedtime story that exactly recounts what happened to her that day. A cooking show host wears a rat costume (hygiene?), a french speaking producer has an American name (Bob Marshall), a starting director pitches the worst idea for a movie ever and says it took him four years to come up with it and the producer likes it but focuses on a very small detail. The movie is build on these types of contradictions, leading to funny scenes (the smoking scene is hilarious), but often to just plain absurdity.Because the narrative structure of the movie itself is contradictory to what you as a viewer expect from a movie the whole thing stays enjoyable, literally anything can happen. In the end everything sort of works out and the story lines are tied in with each other in a way that makes sense. Not 'real' sense, but within the movie's logic (or lack thereof). I agree with another reviewer that one can't really compare this movie to anything else (maybe Dupieux earlier film Wrong), which makes grading it a tad difficult. On the whole I found it an incredibly amusing experience, though I can understand that other people might not. But if you are open minded about movies...Step into the world of Realité, in which secretaries are creepy, you can go into work and discover that you are already there and if you decline a cigarette because you don't smoke, you will get one forced on you.


I've seen my fair share of confusing films throughout my life. But they're usually confusing in such different ways. I don't think i'd ever seen a film quite like this. It can definitely be enjoyable on a scene-to-scene basis, no doubt, but it can also leave you wondering just what exactly is going on. Does the film amount to anything? I'm not quite sure, but I did enjoy it. It's ded=finitely a very divisive film, one where people will either love or hate (and the reason I don't either is because I do think I'm more open tot his sort of thing. I wouldn't recommend this to all audiences (maybe not even to most) but I do think there is a lot of merit here.


I saw this film at the Film Fest Ghent 2014, where it was part of the official Competition. Previously, I saw Rubber of the same film maker at the Imagine film festival 2011 in Amsterdam. I wrote a positive review at the time, accepting the fact that I was a minority. Most others could not appreciate the absurd undertone and the almost absent narrative.Recalling my good memories in favor or Rubber, it may be possible that I had expected more of this successor. Nevertheless, it delivers an absurd story you'd expect from this film maker. Compared with Rubber there are less LOL (laughing out loud) moments, however. Instead, we can enjoy a humorous undertone all along the running time, while contradictions and absurdities come along in abundance.It is no use to condense the story in a few lines, not even several paragraphs won't do, still without any chance of getting the absurd message(s) across. Brace yourself, and let this movie come over you. It may change your view on film and film making. On the other hand, I sincerely hope that we do not have to take this backstage view on the film industry seriously.All in all, in spite of (or thanks to) all the controversies this film maker causes, I look forward to more products along the same line. His products are well made, and supported by good actors. That his narratives lack a logical story line, is more like a signature rather than a defect.
