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Captain Corelli's Mandolin

Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001)

August. 17,2001
| Drama Romance War

When a fisherman leaves to fight with the Greek army during World War II, his fiancée falls in love with the local Italian commander.


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Ambitious movie, it ends on a poetic miserable and full of stereotypes vision typical of a Hollywood brain that looks at and judges while ignoring completely European world: despite the war they are living Italians are seen as idiot pricks always ready to sing as jesters in the bar, while the captain has his head into pussy rather than the fate of his soldiers; poor Germans then are the eternal bad guys, that even if motivated by a flash of humanity or living passion, as in the case of the captain, remain those cold like robotic thinking- machines unable to love or feel ... Well! maybe the intent was to obtain atmospheres or emotions like in "Mediterrano", but Salvatores is something else. Director should change job, loss of time !


I found it to be a good movie, well written, acted and directed. This film has wonderfully developed characters and is based on a true story (at least the historical part). I agree with James Berardinelli that John Hurt was awesome as Dr. Iannis.This film proves that a movie can have a strong impact even (or especially) without utilizing any special effects. If only more of such character-driven dramas would be produced nowadays. On a slightly negative note: it would have been much more effective if it had been filmed in the original languages (greek, Italian and German) with subtitles, ...but the box office would probably not allow it.


beautiful but comics. It is useless, here you have paraocchi and unilateral ways of thinking. Some films from comics are rewarded while others are attacked, this film is like any other. this kind of movie derived from comic books do not convince many people. to me like, after all most recent film hollwood are based on comic books to produce them means that enjoy. Bel film cmq. Voting 5.7 indicates that on this site of horror films are seen evil. I ask minds indipenenti not to build the judgments of others and to reward and films but without being too strict. I would try to make a judgement more univoo since this site were underestimated masterpieces by Di caprio Titanic and Charlton Heston.


Okay, I finally just got through the whole thing. I wanted to see this movie because I knew it had musical connotations and was about being in love with Penelope Cruz. Which isn't hard to do.When there is a good script and good story you would think that "top" actors like Nic Cage and Christian Bale would seriously buff up on their local talk. If you are going to do a foreign movie in English with an accent of the local language then you got some serious work to do. Nic apparently didn't do enough training for his accent. He goes from one sentence saying something like: hey man, surfs up dude!, to aye mama mia, no hay pizzaria. If you pay attention to his accent it is all over the place.If you watch an A actor like Leo Dicaprio, he will seriously study the local vernacular and slang and bring it into his character and make the audience believe it. Look at his accents in Blood Diamond or Gangs of New York. He nails it. These two guys Nic and Christian completely blow it. It gets better towards the end of the film but come on guys, do your homework. Jeezus, it is so distracting and hard to get into a movie where the characters have clearly not done their homework.My overall feeling about this movie is very conflicted. I loved the story and loved the classical guitar piece that Nics' character recorded but, the accent thing I obviously cannot ignore. They should have done this movie with real Italians, Spaniards, and Germans and kept it real, or otherwise brought in an actor that does his homework like Leo Dicaprio. So there.. That is what I think, take it or leave it....
