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The Untold Story

The Untold Story (1995)

May. 13,1995
| Horror Comedy Crime

Macau cops begin to suspect a man running a pork buns restaurant of murder, after tracing the origin of a case full of chopped up human remains that washed ashore, which leads them to him.


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I have been a fan of hong kong cinema for a long time mainly in the popular genres like : martial art,action,crime,fantasy but not much in the horror because i always view hong kong horror movie is too silly and full of slapstick humor so i never take it seriously until this night.When i first time watch a CAT III hong kong horror movie called: The Untold Story that made my jaws dropped,my whole body shaking and trembling with nervous for a long time since i was a extreme horror lover and love to find something that really excite me but also make me disgusted and you guys know what? This movie did a great job at it.For a CAT III horror movie this movie has it all from extreme gory violence that testing our limit to over the top acting with darkly humor mix with highly disturbing twist about woman raping,police brutality and cannibalism then leave us with a unsatisfied ending but fit the violent nature of the movie.A big thumb up to Anthony Chau-Sang Wong for portraying one of the best serial killer in movie ever from the face,the look,the disturbing behavior and cold blooded attitude to the fact that this movie based on a true story just makes me questing our sanity about which is right and which is wrong when we leaving in a world that this kind of stuff can happen ?


Even though Hong Kong movies are never as good looking or slick made as an Hollywood production, it produced a couple of great little movies. "Baat sin faan dim ji yan yuk cha siu baau" is simple one of those great movies, mostly because of its sick story.Movies focusing on serial killers are often good and interesting ones to watch, especially when they are done as well as this one. The movie is not really made great by its directing, acting or writing but more due to its violence and graphic straight-forward approach.The movie features a couple of pretty graphic and sick moments, that makes this movie stand out in its genre. It's one of those movies that got banned in numerous countries at the time of its release and is heavily cut in others. Not that it's the most shocking more around but the movie does have its moments that will make some people's stomach turn.In the beginning the movie its storytelling doesn't feel balanced out well enough. On the one hand it focus on the movie its killer and on the other on the police investigators. The two don't always mix well and it feels a bit disjointed. This gets better as the movie progresses but it always still remains a problem of the movie. The movie also gets less great toward its ending, when its perhaps starting to drag a bit.Because the movie picks a more light and comical approach at times, you're able to forgive the movie its rather cheap look and production values. Had the movie been done completely serious the movie would had probably been not as effective, although it of course also prevents this movie from being a classic movie within its genre.Overall the movie remains a surprisingly good one, despite all of its obvious flaws and 'cheap' Hong Kong style of film-making.8/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/


The first Cat III movie I ever watched. Wow, I was blown away by this one. I know this certainly has some love on the board (in fact I can't remember anyone saying they didn't like it, that has watched it) but I believe this deserves more recognition and a wider audience. The subject matter is probably not for everyones..(ahem)..taste - featuring cannibalism, rape, child killing and brutal violence, however director Herman Yau and writer Law Kam Fai have created a horror masterpiece. The story is grisly and Yau doesn't turn the camera away from most of the violence. Its visceral and shocking and for me a breath of fresh air. The story is rather simple, a psychotic goes on the run and ends up working in (or maybe owning??) a restaurant. Although he is not stupid, he cannot control his murderous urges to try and claim, what he believes, is rightfully his. I won't go any farther with plot details as its more fun finding out by yourself Some people view the "comedic" parts involving the police (most notably a female police officer who is continually harassed by her male colleagues - although at times she gives as good as she gets) to be out of place and ham fisted. While I couldn't really argue too much with that, I thought it gave some light relief from the deadly serious tone of the rest of the movie. It certainly didn't detract too much for me anyway. Finally, I believe that this movie would not be anywhere near successful without Anthony Wong. He was the deal breaker. He won a Hong Kong Film Award for his performance and absolutely deserved it. I really can't tell you how impressed I was with his performance, but you need to see it for yourself. Outstanding. TTKK's Bottomline - If you can..(ahem)..stomach the subject matter, this movie is pure horror gold.

Dan Grant

This film reminds me of what made Last House on the Left so effective, and so unnecessary in some parts. What works well in here is the horrific disregard for human life. What doesn't work at all is the humour. In fact, the film almost didn't work for me as it seemed to concentrate too much on the bumbling cops trying to get laid and their fascination with breasts and behinds. When it gets sidetracked and goes for the humour, it is actually quite terrible. Fortunately, the film smartens up and becomes an all out gorefest and changes it's lackadaisical tone to one that becomes horrifically serious.I too came across this film on a whim. I ordered Men Behind the Sun from Amazon.com and one of the recommendations was this film. I checked it out, and then bought it blind. It obviously has a cult status and for good reason.I'm sure people that are reading this already know what makes it so cult like, and that is the violence and the graphic nature of the film. This is different violence that what we see here in North America. It is unapologetic, graphic, bloody and perpetual. The only complaint I have is that the camera doesn't show all that it could. If film makers like Argento and Fulci can find a way to show the violence, then so can Herman Yau. We see the blood, we see the body parts being tossed aside, but for a film that made it's reputation on its gore, it would be "nice" to see some more of it. Gallons of blood is cool, but seeing a limb severed is even better.The crowning moment in the film is the slaughter of the family. It did remind me of Reservoir Dogs, but it is much more gruesome. And that is what makes the film so intriguing for sickos like us. You won't find anything like this in North America. As mentioned in the first line of the review, it does have that Last House on the Left feel to it. Anthony Wong is sickening brilliant in this film and he reminds me of Krug from LHOTL. He kills because he needs to. He wants to taste blood and if this is based on a true story, then he is one sick character. There are children losing their heads in the film, rape by chopstick, grinding of human meat and buckets and buckets of blood. If this sounds like your kind of film, you will not find one better.Another interesting aspect of the film is the police brutality. You would never see such an admission of these sorts. And it is quite refreshing to see what might have gone on behind closed doors. It is treated like it is normal, like it is part of police procedure. You won't see that in a North American film either.7/10 Only the comedy brings it down, or it would have been a 9.
