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The Killing Room

The Killing Room (2009)

January. 16,2009
| Drama Thriller

Four volunteers sign up for what initially appears to be a typical paid research study, only to discover that they've unwittingly become involved with a classified government program that was said to have been terminated nearly two decades ago.


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'The Killing Room' is basically my favourite kind of movie. A psychological thriller with elements of mystery and not lacking in violence. So for me to not have a very good time watching a movie like this indicates it wasn't very well made. My biggest problem with this one was that the intrigue that should have been there was lacking. There were fun situations that arose like characters having to choose random numbers between 1-33 and get closest to a select number or else be killed, yet it was then barely touched on. The movie spent too much time with the characters talking about pointless things and not enough talking about the important and interesting things.The sound-mixing in this film was also a real problem. One character in particular (or should I say the actor that portrays that character) had an incredibly hard to understand tone. Every line he spoke was whispered and muffled and basically inaudible. Other actors had the same problem at different stages too.There was a fun set-up for 'The Killing Room' that just never really reached its full potential for my liking. Done correctly this could have been something special. As it stands though it was almost completely forgettable.

Richard Dominguez

This Is A Good But (Real Life) Scary Movie ... The Distinct Possibility That In Our Battle To Destroy The Evils Of The World We Become That Very Same Evil ... The Thing That Is Even Scarier Than That Is That We Make It OK By Saying Better Us Than Them ... Convincing Ourselves That Because We Are Trying To Save Ourselves From Them, The Evil We Do Is Just ... ***Can You Hear It, Can You Hear The Express Train Riding Us All To Hell In The Name Of Our Just Cause, Because I Sure As Hell Do ...

Gerhard Shultz

It's the most awful movie I've ever seen, and it has no excuse for this. Gratuitous murders is not something you'll ever see in a movie. Even accidental killings, or somebody trying to escape from a dire situation is excusable, and up to a certain extent acceptable. The single excuse tried by the producers was: "At this moment our enemies have somebody like me and like you doing the same thing right now...". This is very untrue, bringing only prejudice to the US image. First, they don't need to kill random guys only to select a potential human bomb. It's old public information that the terrorists are paying some large amount of money to the human bombs' very poor families, and the human bombs are very ill people in the last stage with cancer, AIDS or leukemia. Thus, the terrorists probably have more requests from the ill & poor people that they can handle: they don't need to kill randomly to select potential human bombs... daaah... It's a stupid, childish idea that only translates into most gratuitous murders seen on the screen. You have 1 from me, just because there is no 0.


Most of the bad reviews I'm seeing for this film are because people are saying this situation is not plausible. Since when do we judge a movie based on its plausibility? I'm guessing movies like Transformers or Independence Day must be highly plausible then, huh? I think the reason for some of the poor reviews this film has gotten is actually because it strikes too close to home. It presents a situation that could happen to any average person, and makes you bear through all the gritty details of the process. As a military veteran, I can tell you that if you're living in a world where we're not capable of such deeds just because you want to believe our system of morality is far superior to everyone else's, it's you who is living in a fantasy land.As for the movie itself --- where all other films of this type got it wrong, this one got it right. No romantic interests. No unwarranted paranoia. No pointless plot twists. Simply a single room and a small group of very frightened people. This film does not slowly introduce the tension, but instead kicks you directly in the face with it right off the bat. Superb acting. A subtle, excellent soundtrack. Truly suspenseful progression. Plus a story that will truly give you chills and have you questioning the intentions of the powers that be.
