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Hellion (2014)

June. 13,2014
| Drama Thriller

When motocross and heavy metal obsessed, 13-year-old Jacob's delinquent behavior forces CPS to place his little brother Wes with his aunt, Jacob and his emotionally absent father must finally take responsibility for their actions and each other in order to bring Wes home.


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Like most of the American population, I chose this movie because I'm a Breaking Bad fan. I know Aaron Paul as Jesse, a more or less, kid. In this movie, I couldn't believe that it was Pinkman as somebody's...dad. He nailed it! The kids were great actors as well. This movie was so emotional and you felt uncomfortable so many times. Not uncomfortable because the movie was "disturbing", more like uncomfortable because this could be anyone's family, even yours. Even good people can just lose their mind in the face of tragedy.The movie doesn't need a fast paced story to keep you on the edge of your seat. You can't help but get invested so much in the characters. The ending is perfect.


I was confused that they made this a full length movie and thought really this could better as a TV show or mini-series. Giving more of a background to the challenges the family has come across and an understanding of the community and the fathers relationships in the community. The back luck situation was typical of many TV dramas. Husband loses Wife and gets depressed resulting in a diet of beer and fast food and emotional distancing for the family. Nothing really fresh. However I admire that the story does not go Disney and the characters and development of events are quite believable. So if you want a look into the life of hard knocks and love Mid-West accents this is the movie for you :-)

wilson trivino

Kids that are too much to handle are often referred to as hellions. The movie by the same name follows the Wilson family where the father is struggling single dad trying to raise his rambunctious two boys. The boys seem to get into all type of troubles and the opening scene shows how they seem to be in the wrong crowd. This movie does a good job of showing how sometimes bad things happen to good people. How a few bad decisions can put you in spiral that can put your life out of control. It also showcases the difficulty of a middle class family in making it. A small release film but a powerful story of those kids that always seem to be on the wrong place all the time. I enjoyed the movie and Juliet Lewis creates a believable role in the caring aunt. Dr Wilson Trivino

Sean Pattison

*****Hint hint****** A little spoiler but it won't wreck the movie***I thought this movie was awesome, it's a kinda movie that you want to watch with your dad and brother because it shows how close you need to be with them. I was really blown away by this movie, the casting was pretty good too, Overall a movie you will want to watch again and share with your friends. The story seemed so real, like I watched it online so I could have looked up if it was a true story but I just watched it and by the end I was sure it was. The one thing that drew me away was the poster, I know the boy did motocross but the poster could have been better, I mean that really doesn't matter because the movie was awesome. I would and will watch this later for sure!
