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Bob the Butler

Bob the Butler (2005)

March. 10,2005
| Comedy

Bob, an incompetent man, is searching for an available job by alphabetical order. He had just failed all of the A's, and discovers an ad in the Yellow Pages for a butler school. He is the only one in the butler school course to pass, because all of the other people quit due to the embarrassment and pressure of the teacher.


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David Holt (rawiri42)

A friend brought Bob the Butler to a barbecue last evening and, after eating, a few of us sat down and watched Bob the Butler. The only actor that I had ever heard of was Brooke Shields and I immediately wondered what we were going to be in for.Well, what a very pleasant surprise! Without exception, everyone present thoroughly enjoyed what was, in all honesty a pretty predictable plot and perfectly competent acting. Afterwards, someone asked what the movie had scored on IMDb and, unsurprisingly, it only got 5.7. I say, 'unsurprisingly' because, from previous experience with IMDb, I knew that such a simple, happy, uncomplicated story would never be highly rated by voters - and that is a huge shame.There was plenty of good, clean humour and nothing to make us wonder what the point of the movie was. We didn't have to rack our brains to figure out some ridiculously complicated plot. We just sat and laughed for an hour-and-a-half!So, director Sinyaw, thank you for some great entertainment. We will be looking for some more of your work for our next barbie night and hoping that you have kept it as simple as Bob!

Amy Adler

Bob (Tom Green) just got fired from another job. Although he works hard and shows up on time, something always goes wrong. Back in his small apartment with his pet hamster, Rascal, Bob looks through the phone book for career inspiration. There he spies an ad for "butler school". According to the description, one can complete the training in five days. Without hesitation, Bob signs up. But, the school is run by a semi-weirdo, Mr. Butler (Simon Callow) who puts the students through drills, like standing on rooftops to learn balance and posture. When Mr. Butler strips down to his skivvies to teach the art of "how to dress one's master", everyone runs away, except Bob. Meanwhile, workaholic Anne (Brooke Shields) is about to go out on a date with her French beau. But, her two children, Tess and Bates, behave so badly that the gray-haired babysitter bolts from the house. Rifling through cards, Anne finds one for "Bob the Babysitter". Of course, its the same Bob, who tried that some time ago. Nevertheless, he agrees to come right over when she calls and, curiously, the kids like his low-key approach. Making it through the first night, Bob becomes the permanent sitter/butler. But, the two young ones are still vying for their mother's attentions in bad ways. Tess is devious and rebellious and Bates follows her lead while still hoping his mother will notice his interest in basketball. Bob does his best, even when high-strung Anne rants and raves. Is it possible that Anne may realize Bob would make a better boyfriend than the Frog? This is certainly one of the more unusual family films-romantic comedies ever made. With the offbeat Green as the star, it was probably to be expected. Yet, he does a nice job in a role that has its moments and Shields high-energy turn is a good foil for his more understated delivery. As for Callow, he is great but, how did the producers ever persuade the distinguished Brit, of A Room with a View and Four Weddings and a Funeral, to take this role? What a score! The productions values, camera work, costumes, and sets are all very nice. Still, its hard to overwhelming recommend the film for families, due to a few objectionable scenes. The strip by Mr. Butler is one such while others where Bob catches Anne in the shower and Tess shoplifts and backtalks will not please some viewers. This is unfortunate, for there really are some nicely comedic scenes. Therefore, if you are one of those families who can watch films as a group and discuss tricky situations, this one will entertain most everyone. Fans of romcoms, Green, or very offbeat flicks will enjoy it, also.


I immediately raced to my local video storeto hire this as i have always been a staunch Brooke fan.I was so pleased that she carried a lot of this movie.It was great to see her diversity in acting once again.She is definitely getting older but just seems so naturally beautiful still thst her looks must get in the way of being offered grittier roles. Her surprise shower scene here is hilarious.Not forgetting how amazing her body still is being a 40 year old mother. I'm not o Tom Green fan,but at least his depature from grosse out comedy works in this film.How a guy like that could end up with Brooke though is a bit hard to swollow...only in the movies.


i can sheepishly admit, i am a fan of Tom Green. Whether it's Organized Rhyme, his own "The Tom Green Show" both pre and post MTV, or his first forays into film, "Freddy Got Fingered", "Road Trip", and 'The Chad' in "Charlie's Angels", I look forward to watching what he will do next.With this in mind, I can honestly say, "Bob the Butler" is a horrible film, whether you like Green or not, whether you like movies or not, or whether you have a pulse or not.What i enjoy about Green is his ability to find humour in such simple things as a cheese sandwich. i love watching him interact with others, altering the everyday altercation with either a minute change of pace, or a major social faux pas, both played with deadpan mock seriousness.What i don't particularly like about Green is when the joke runs too long, or the joke isn't funny to begin with. The nice thing about all the aforementioned resume bits of Green was quick editing in mind, or jokes that, if they weren't funny, they were bizarre enough to shock you or make you think. Bob the Butler is devoid of any of these things.The film takes the premise that Green's character cannot hold a job, until he finds himself as a butler for an oddly cast, anal retentive, control freak Brooke Shields. What ensues is a bland, run of the mill, stereotypical movie about a babysitter who is not liked by the kids until they eventually warm up and want the babysitter to be their parent, who is missing out on the kids until they realize too late that the fired babysitter was actually better for the kids than their own parenting.What's so disappointing is not just the rehash family film formula. It's that Green is as far removed from this type of thing than any comedian, that any hope for him messing within the parameters of this formula is never realized. The opening cartoon credits, if filmed as a live action weekly series staring Green, would be so much better than this boring, uneventful snooze fest. Three things Green has never been accused of, until now. Perhaps that's why he did it.Grade: D-
