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An Eye for Beauty

An Eye for Beauty (2014)

May. 15,2014
| Drama

An architect and his wife see their relationship challenged.


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Wonder why this movie only has seven User Reviews? Here, I'll tell you . . . If this movie represents what 30-something has become - especially for women - I'm glad I'm both old and male. A too-perfect architect meets another too-perfect person (described in the movie info as "strange", for no discernible reason whatsoever) and dabbles in too-perfect sex for reasons that are never made clear, only to arrive back home to his clinging and equally beautiful, albeit too-competitive, blond wife who begs him never to leave her. He immediately expresses his undying love for her then sets up more trysts with the brunette beauty in Toronto, then later sees his blond wife kissing another . . . wait for it . . . WOMAN! Worse, he doesn't ask her about it until much later when she has some type of too-perfect anxiety breakdown.Then he goes to a too-perfect - female - doctor FRIEND because he thinks he might have contracted "something" in Toronto . . . and we ain't talking a common cold. When he gets nervous being examined she assures him that she sees at least a dozen penises every day . . . we are left to wonder if she means in her medical practice or socially. From this awkward - yet titillating (he admits to her) - experience, we have to see the totally unpleasant thing of an old guy - his work associate - being sick in the hospital, then dying . . . all totally ugly to too-perfect people.Somewhere the wife sleeps surrounded by his shotguns, which he refers to as "rifles" . . . proving that he should not be allowed near anything resembling a firearm, and neither should his too-perfect-anxiety-ridden-wife. The movie ends - sorta - after he gets called upon to design an abbey in Paris where he runs into the Toronto beauty, now slightly older and wearing glasses . . . he is also slightly older, but still too-perfect, and is with a pert young thing, leaving us to wonder if it is wife #2 or another fling as the movie ends with too-perfect-HGTV shots of houses he apparently designed . . . or maybe they were just boxes with windows . . . I fergit . . . I wuz getting sleepy.


The Decline of the American Empire and The Barbarian Invasions were the only two movies about a group of unlikable people talking and talking and talking that I enjoyed repeatedly and still once in a while I watch them again. I enjoyed other Arcand movies too; so I can state that is one of my preferred directors and found his subjects matters quite interesting and his approach original.Well "La Regne de la Beaute" (which translates in "The reign of Beauty") is not the case. The whole movie on precious scenery after the other; beautiful people in each frame; perfectly dressed and even the music is beautiful; but what was the point of all that?.The intellectual (but overall shallow) bourgeois French / Canadian society it is one of his preferred subjects; as it is the declining health care in Canada (or at least in Quebec); but none of these themes are quite developed here.The infidelity of a young successful architect without considering his wife's slow descending into madness; could be an statement about a society that became so cold that family is no longer important (none of the characters has kids and nobody really seems to care about infidelities or jealously ) At the end is about a year in the life of a group of people with lots of personal issues resolved in an absolute cold manner.I will perhaps seat through the movie again; but at first sight colder than all the snow in Quebec.


Personally I liked all of Denys Arcand movie I saw, I've seen "L'age des Tenebres" four times at the cinema and then some more when I bought the DVD... I had some expectations when I heard this movie was coming out, and I must say I haven't been disappointed at all, even if I believe this is maybe not a movie for everybody... There's no real story who would make the film worthwhile by itself, I believe that to appreciate it the viewer must immerse himself in all the beauty depicted in the picture; beautiful actors inside and out, beautiful and picturesque countryside, beautiful music all along, beautiful buildings, beautiful sex scenes with beautiful naked womans... I think this movie fit right in Denys Arcand's style, I think if you liked his previous movies and are not too superficial in your expectations you won't be disappointed at all... It's kind of a poem, filmmaker Sofia Coppola tried to do something like that with her 2010 movie "Somewhere" about the relationship of a rock star and his young teenage daughter, but in my opinion she missed her shot in a gigantic way compared to this one... In her movie there were things like 5 minutes of strippers doing nothing but dancing at their pole, I understand we're supposed to immerse ourselves into the protagonist's world but there's a limit to feeding boredom to the viewer... Overall I didn't see the time fly watching this picture and I didn't come out of the screening room of the theatre, so I suppose it will be entertaining for at least some persons who appreciate beauty, like me...


I intend to see this film again, to follow its action and dialog (with subtitles) more closely than I could at the cinema house, if and when it comes out on DVD. That DVD incarnation of this film is quite likely, given the fame and popularity of Denis Arcand's films; this one is still in the theaters here in Québec, director Denis Arcand's home province. The movie is essentially a pastoral, by turns urban, by turns rural pastoral, in the life of a promising young male architect. There are lots of sports that feature in the life that he and his woman, the latter a gym teacher, anyway, lead. She has a lesbian dalliance, and he takes up with a woman from Toronto (who later in the film comes to take a position in Quebec City).Do not let all that yuppie quality and comfort of lifestyle deter you. Éric Bruneau is a stunningly handsome, slender but very appealingly and tautly muscled young man (with a nice face, too). Women and gay men will "flip" at his numerous scenes shirtless and buck-nakedly nude. It is worth seeing the film if only to gawk at this extraordinarily beautiful young actor; there even are moments, fleeting ones, admittedly, of full frontal nudity. The women are attractive, too. I hope eventually to have a better idea of what the various goings-on really add up to. (I am very fluent in French, having lived and worked in Québec for many years, but my hearing is beginning to deteriorate as I age, so subtitles help more and more. The magnificent Québec scenery, too, is gorgeous and very skillfully filmed.
