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Going Places

Going Places (1974)

May. 13,1974
| Drama Comedy

Two whimsical, aimless thugs harass and assault women, steal, murder, and alternately charm, fight, or sprint their way out of trouble. They take whatever the bourgeoisie holds dear, whether it’s cars, peace of mind, or daughters. Marie-Ange, a jaded, passive hairdresser, joins them as lover, cook, and mother confessor. She’s on her own search for seemingly unattainable sexual pleasure.


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randy filkirk

This film is not for people who take life too seriously, as some reviewers seem to have. yes, there's awful, despicable and unearthly goings on, yes, there is no "American style" moral to this film, no one comes out of this film in a good light. But, entertaining it is, and for a french film of this vintage, that is saying something. If you have seen reservoir dogs, or the godfather films, then you have seen worse violence than here, but this violence is more real, because it doesn't have that american slant of surrealism, with special effects etc. To say the things that happen in this film never happen is fundamentally wrong, they do happen, and as we now approach 2019 they happen with increasing regularity. This film is not false in any way, the eating in the canal house, the drinking of wine, the sex, the scenes of France of that era, all real, and all very believable, and that is where people might find it hard to accept, maybe it was a little too close to their ideas or/and experiences and as such, some might not like this. We found this film very scenic rich, and having visited many of the places this was shot not many years after, we found it very easy on the eyes. There is a certain amount of acting that can be taken either way, but i found much humor on the acting, and laughed quite a few times, i also found some scenes quite awful and would cut them if i had a choice, definitely one scene of the lady from the prison anyway. If you watch this, just remember one thing. It's only a film, and a good one at that


I had to stop viewing Bertrand Biller's Going Places (1974) about half way through it. I just couldn't take any more of this POOR excuse for a film.If you Google "Robert Hare" you can read what this preeminent authority in the field has to say about "psychopathy". I'm certain that before too long you'll agree that Dr Hare's descriptions of the classic "psychopath" almost perfectly match the two main characters in this SAD excuse for a film. That's all this "film" is, just a blatant display of psychopathic, criminal behavior. "Psychopaths On Parade" would be a better title for this "film", because the thrust of this "film" seems to actually applaud and even admire the narcissistic, remorseless behavior of these two low lifes. I myself find no value, either as a film fanatic, or as just a human being, in a cinematic celebration of psychopathy.Hey!!! I make no pretenses about being "the smartest guy in the world", OK?, but I'm certainly smart enough to know the difference between "right" and "wrong". This film, on the other hand, seems to be equating, or even deliberately confusing "right" and "wrong", and even asking me to somehow buy into that. In short, this "film" carries a morally, and socially corruptive message that there is no difference between "right" and "wrong", or that perhaps doing "wrong" is acceptable if you're young, and cute, and come across as "charming", and somewhat daring when you're doing "wrong". Sorry, but I just don't buy it.I could go on about how blatantly sexist this film is, but what's the point? It's not like the two criminal low lifes in this film actually treat women worse than men in this film. Hey, these guys are "hip", and "enlightened"!!! They're "equal opportunity psychopathic predators".There was no storyline whatsoever at the point where I turned off this piece of garbage cinema. It was an endless stream of disassociated scenes of two social perverts romping gleefully through their criminal, and exploitive deeds, without a cop in sight. I don't know whose fantasies this so called "film" panders to, but it's certainly not mine. In fact, the only purpose that I can see in viewing this so called "film" is for the viewer to vicariously live out his "secret" sexual, and violent fantasies through the two low life, psychopathic characters in this so called "film". But, sorry, I myself don't indulge in such "walks on the dark side" because, frankly, I see myself as a better human being than that.Gerard Depardieu has had a long, and storied, and brilliant career as an actor, cranking out some pretty incredible performances. It's just so sad for me to think that he was forced to act in a piece of garbage cinema like this as a preliminary stepping stone to that wonderful acting career.


Pathetic. Repulsive. Stupid. Worthless. Pointless. It filled me with a strong urge for pissing on the director and defecating on the script writer. And no, I'm not particularly proud of that feeling.This is a movie for people who find pleasure in watching women getting beaten and raped, breast-feeding mothers getting molested, 16-year old girls getting their virginity taken and women's vaginas and underwear getting sniffed. And the perpetrators getting away with all of that with a flamboyant charm and not a trace of reflection.Oh, did I mention people keen on watching suicides committed by pistol shots to the vaginas? Yes, this is a movie for you, guys. Bon appétit.Yes, I have seen a lot of movies, where even more distasteful things were shown. But those movies had actual plots. They were filmed to tell some story or to send some message. Showing those awful things had some purpose. The purpose other than filming sick fantasies of the perverted script writer.I believe this was the most disgusting movie I have ever seen. I'd like to warn especially those people that are now thinking "Great, I love disgusting things, I love shocking value, I love Tarantino - this is a movie for me". Trust me - it is not. I was thinking the same and now I'm filled with disgust. I'm disgusted with the creators of this turd, I'm disgusted with people that praise this movie but also I'm disgusted with myself - for not being able to predict how terrible it is and for wasting two hours watching it till the end. Don't duplicate my mistake.


"Going Places" is the English title of a 1974 French film with two of the famous actors of the era, Gérard Depardieu and Patrick Dewaere, as freewheeling hoodlums of highly questionable morality. The episodic movie follows their adventures as they try to, among other things, live without working and give pleasure to frigid to women. The latter endeavor includes seducing a soldier's bride on a train, literally chasing a woman through the streets, picking up a woman randomly as she leaves prison, and what becomes their ultimate challenge, giving pleasure to Marie-Ange, who is all too willing to have sex but has never had an orgasm.No one would ever accuse this movie of being politically correct. It is sexist, the heroes are brutish criminals, but the point isn't really that they're doing anything noble or should be forgiven for their sins. It is more of a meditation on self destruction, although I think the fun of this movie is just the tragic black comedy of their hopeless adventures, not analyzing it for some deeper meaning.I enjoyed the soundtrack a lot, well the main theme that kept being repeated, and the credit music was a perfect coda. This is a great French film from the 70s, check it out.
