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Two Eyes Staring

Two Eyes Staring (2010)

March. 11,2010
| Horror

Nine-year-old Lisa discovers her sinister new friend is the ghost of the dead twin of Lisa's mother. Then Lisa's father also begins to suspect his wife of hiding a terrible secret, resulting in deadly consequences…


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I didn't have any expectations towards this movie, and probably it made it so good for me. Plus great setting in which I saw it, on a small film festival, outside during the cold night.Great acting, amazing atmosphere, fair story, good camera, intensive, great scare factor! The story is a bit usual and stereotype, but it doesn't affect how good this movie is. Karen is very scary, reminded me on Reagan from the Exorcist!In short it is the story of a family with problems, which moves to a new house in which they start to experience weird and paranormal things.I would highly recommend it!

Willem Lenders

Though the trailer of 'Two eyes staring' made the movie seem scary and interesting to me, I was gravely disappointed after watching it. The storyline had a lot of potential, but unfortunately it was underdeveloped and unexplained. Thinking of movies like 'The others' with the same principles, make this movie look like a movie for kids. There wasn't a single scene in the movie that scared me. Actress Hadewych Minis might be the only thing about the movie that deserves a lot of praise. Her acting made the movie worthwhile. It wasn't horrible, but it just wasn't living up to my expectations. If you want to watch an simple movie for a relaxing night and you're done with the romantic comedies, this one might please you.Six out of ten for effort.


Two Eyes Staring is billed as 'the scariest Dutch horror film since The Vanishing.' This, it transpires in the introductory session with director Elbert van Strien, is not that hard, as it's very nearly the only Dutch horror film made since.Nine-year-old Lisa (Isabelle Stokkel) is a solemn, thoughtful little girl with a big imagination; a quiet, watchful little body who sees and hears more than she should. Not the kind of child best suited to living in a vast, creepy mansion in the middle of nowhere, plagued by spook, unexplained creaks and groans. But when her estranged grandmother dies, leaving her mother just such a property, guess what happens… But are the eerie and disturbing events that unfold the consequence of Lisa's fertile fantasy life, fuelled by her unnerving surroundings and the mysteries shrouding her mother's hidden past, or are there, in fact, supernatural forces at work, feeding on the sins of the past and revisiting them on the next generation? But there's more to this film than hollow-eyed ghost girls, perilous forays into the cellar and things that go bump in the night. Like Rosemary's Baby or previous EIFF showing Joshua, Two Eyes Staring is a fascinating and uncomfortable expose of the sometimes uneasy relationships that exist between parent and child. Lisa's father Paul (Barry Atsma) is by turns best buddy and stern disciplinarian, while mother Christine (Hadewych Minis) struggles to balance her career ambitions with bringing up a child who reminds her uncomfortably of demons from her past, and is in turn resentful, doting and unnerved by her quietly staring offspring.Okay, so there isn't a lot here you haven't seen before. Spooky houses, dark pasts and creepy children are hardly novel. But unexpected twists in the plot, a fantastic use of music and sound effects to create an atmosphere of unease and some solid central performances all serve to make Two Eyes Staring well worth seeing.But is it scary? Perhaps better ask the two girls sitting next to me, who leapt out of their skins on regular intervals. For them it was less Two Eyes Staring, more like Two Eyes Shut

tom van de Bospoort

A mixture of del Toro like film material, not very original when i saw this one at the international premiere at the Edinburgh International film festival 2010.A film worth seeing but nothing new if you are accustomed to films like the Devils backbone and the orphanage, (but not as good as either) Not bad from a country not known for horror/thriller films.There's even talk of a Hollywood remake with an 'A' list star. The director wouldn't say who but that wont be as good as this original as with most Hollywood remakes it will be over the top and most likely rubbish.
