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Space Warriors

Space Warriors (2013)

April. 26,2013
| Adventure Science Fiction Family

The son of a retired astronaut competes to win a seat on the next space shuttle.


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As my title states - if would have been a great movie for ages 13 and below. That's fine- kids need movies that inspire them to be greater than what they are, that they have the chance to be the heroes of their fantasies. However, this movie fails in a few major areas. The first is the casting of Thomas Horn as Jimmy. His acting is horribly over the top and he plays that clichéd role of the overly optimistic kid who just ends up being annoying to everyone, including the audience. I almost turned it off because I got tired of his overly squeaky voice. The Space Camp competition was rushed and unnecessary - they didn't even give us an over view of what the events were going to be. Then we had the obligatory "evil" team (led by the evil blond haired rich white kid, too...not sure if that's a cliché or racist yet) that served no purpose in the end. The music pandered too much to what the director felt was kid friendly. It could have gone without the pop music and just had a better written score to give it a more epic feel. On top of that - for a movie that presses the importance of being precise and not cutting corners along with trying to inspire the next generation of engineers and scientists, it takes as much liberty with the laws of physics as Armageddon did. (And that's saying something).It would have been a great concept, but the movie talked down to its audience way too much. They should have taken a longer look at the original Space Camp movie and gone that route than this Disney's pandering and perception of what the intelligence of children actually is.

Hunky Stud

This film is obviously not for adults who can think. but i am sure that it is good entertainment for children or teens.the storyline is weak, and there is no way in real life that children will actually take over shuttle's operation. but it is inspiration for children who watch this film, they might be motivated to become an astronaut in the future.sometimes, due to its childish plot, it is very apparent that those people were acting.actor thomas kasp is a good discovery, he is way better looking than zac efron, but he may not become famous due to this low rating film.Overall, I enjoyed watching it. You will, too; as long as you don't take it too seriously.


The acting is some of the worst ever. Its as if there were no auditioning for the child parts. Why in the world would a child actor be given a role and have to create a weird southern accent? Aside from that, the plot was based around totally incompetent adult characters who had no clue what to do with a disabled space station. The main character narrating as if the space camp was in the past for no apparent reason was bizarre. All of this is such a shame because there were some other good actors in the movie. I rented this movie for a family movie night and when kids watching the movie laugh at the cheesy nonsense and mock the terrible acting, it has to be bad.


I saw this at the Huntsville Space and Rocket Center. A decent museum with a few interesting exhibits and some cool rockets and replicas. Unfortunately this museum also has movie theater where they charge additional money for films relating to space. The problem began when the attendant recommended "Space Warriors" to us because it was filmed on location at the Space and Rocket Center and in the greater Huntsville area, and also told us, falsely, that it was 45 minutes long. As far as the movie itself goes, it is a complete mess of a film which changes tones for no apparent reason, can't decide whether it's a film or a commercial for space camp and includes actual movie stars who would rather be anywhere else (exception for Josh Lucas who actually seemed to be acting and enjoying chewing the scenery). This brings me to the films biggest problem, Thomas Horn. He plays the lead kid so whiny, so annoying and as such a limp-wristed wiener that you can't possibly take anything in Space Warriors seriously (and it does make the huge mistake of trying to be serious, especially in its third act).There many moments of unintended hilarity in this move. First the "bad" kid from the other team is doing his absolutely best to imitate Val Kilmer as Ice Man in "Top Gun." Second, the team is made up of a complete Burger King Kid's club of stereotypes: nerdy Asian engineer, sassy black girl, Russian computer programmer - they're all here. Add in some WTF unintentional double entendre and you've got movie whose only value is to be made fun while watched Mystery Science Theater style with a few cold ones.
