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Enemies Among Us

Enemies Among Us (2010)

May. 12,2010
| Action Thriller

It's not politics as usual, or is it? The governor of Louisiana is about to become the vice-presidential candidate for his party but a murder and an international web spanning from South Africa to Pakistan and North Korea might just get in the way.


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This movie is one of the worst I have ever seen. Bad right from the beginning. I am 2/3 through it and am writing this review. What an awful movie.The story is useless. The political bias is so obvious. It is like watching an MSNBC opinion piece.The characters are stereotypical. If they disagree with the politics of the writer, they are bad.Bad guys are the like the bad guys in an old fashioned western movie.A thriller without the thrills. Dialogue is rated 2/10 so the rest must be awful to drag it down to a 1/10 overall.


***Spoiler Alert***** This movie is by far the worse move in the history of film making. The acting is so contrived that you swore the 'actors' were reading from queue cards. I was so painful to watch as this cast of misfits tried to add feelings and emotions to their lines. The story goes nowhere. Cliché abound. And the action sequences come from the old Batman or Superman TV shows. Remember the villain ducking a good 2 seconds before Batman took a swing? Remember the slowly thrown hand gun at Superman and he ducks? Same things here except for the wacky cartoon bubbles. For the love of all that is holy, this should have been made as a cartoon. No way any competent actors would sign up for this unless they are in if for the money grab. I agree with the other reviewers that the acting was on par with a 10th grade play. A Telemundo soap opera thinks that this movie was over-the-top. Save your $1 for the 99cent burger instead.


I have to agree with the other posters. Watching this movie is one of the worst experiences of my life. The plot goes nowhere, the acting can't be taken seriously, the dialog is ridiculous, the humor is not funny and the action scenes are lame. It feels so long and it runs only 70 minutes. How can someone be proud and put his name on the screen as writer, producer and director for that ? Even Billy Zane and Eric Roberts who made bad movies should be ashamed for doing this one. I hope that people who keep bashing Uwe Boll take a look at this one. They'll know what a really bad movie looks like. That is terrible and I hope the director will stop doing movies and choose to work in another field.


The only other reviewer calls this "feature" awful. Trust me when I say that is too kind a word. I usually try to find something redeeming in most films I watch, but there is simply nothing here. I often wonder, when I see productions like these with big names in them (Zane, Roberts, Givens-does she count?), if those people are desperate for money. I know Zane just had a show recently on ABC that was canceled, and Roberts does some decent work here and there, but their decision-making skill have to be called into question when they attach their names to this.Subplots that are sort of relevant but don't really make sense and don't come to a resolution, bad acting all around, horrible editing and shot selection, horrific special effects, and production value that looks as if it was shot with a hand-held digital camera all contribute to this "fine" feature.Avoid at all costs. Please. I beg of you....
