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Lucky Girl

Lucky Girl (2001)

April. 08,2001
| Drama TV Movie

Kaitlyn is a high school student whose obsession with gambling leads to her accumulating a mountain of debt. Her habit also causes a high degree of family tension.


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Katlin Palmerston (Elisha Cuthbert) is a math-whiz high school student from a middle class home. She starts gambling to save up for an European trip with best friend Cheryl. She takes money from the girls at poker and the boys with football. She even sets up her own betting pool. With a run of bad luck and bad bets, she is in deep trouble. Popular girl Janice's sketchy brother Ron Lunderman sets up a poker game. Katlin wins big and starts dating Ron. The computer gambling continues and everything spirals out of control. She borrows from the wrong couple and they have a creepy way to settle the debt. Her mother (Sherry Miller) rides to the rescue.This is very much a lesson-filled movie of the week. It's basic and overtly dramatic. There is an inevitability to the plot. Elisha Cuthbert is what shines in this movie. She shows her beauty and her charisma. She's also young enough and pretty close to the 17 year old character. It helps to make it more real and visceral. The last act is quite creepy and unforgettable. It would help to have more original twists but this is strictly a "very special episode" of whatever teen soap.


Well, I guess that the opinions of this film vary so much because it all depends on whether or not the viewer was able to relate the content and the film overall. Personally, I thought the film was incredible and was one of the more realistic films I've seen in a long time. However, like I said, if someone can't relate to a lot of it, I can see how the movie would just be considered 'so-so' or worse by them. I am 18 years old so I was 17 not that long ago. In having a young person write dialog for the script, I thought it enhanced the film greatly because certain things that the girls do and especially say are so realistic amongst teenagers these days, and yes I have known eighteen/seventeen year olds who got addicted to gambling, which leads to drugs,smoking and alcohol that are so extremely close to what is portrayed in the film. In my opinion, I thought the camera gave it a documentary like feel that made it even more realistic and it wouldn't have had the same effect shot any other way. Also, the way the film changed into dreary color schemes during Kaitlin's (Elisha Cuthbert) downward spiral was also a nice touch. I'm aware it won for some awards (to all the people who say the direction, editing etc. was awful, I mean come on how bad could it be getting nominated for best editing at eh?) and I was glad to see it up for some DGC Craft Awards as well. I'm not positive if it was up for any Geminis, but it was deserving of nomination(s) without a doubt. Acting was amazing all around, Sherry Miller was outstanding as the mother, Elisha Cuthbert was so realistic and reminded me exactly of a girl that I knew growing up.Charlotte Sulivan didn't have many lines but had a great presence nonetheless, and I believe the most incredible performance of the entire film was delivered by Evan Sabba.This movie is simply wonderful! Elisha Cuthbert is a terrific actress, and I have a feeling that her career is just going to take off! This film is a great, depressing gambling flick. It's not one of those ordinary, could-never-happen-in-a-million-years stories, because stranger things have happened. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone who's in a too-happy mood. Excellent Film, I look forward to seeing John Fawcett's next project...


First of all, let me just say that if you are a fan of Elisha Cuthbert, like I am, then "Lucky Girl" is a must-see movie. Although I have not seen a whole lot of her work ("Mail to the Chief" and "24") I cannot imagine it getting any better than this. However, even if this movie had not been blessed with her presence, it would still be a very fine piece of work. Because it is a Canadian made-for-tv movie, I did not expect anything special, but I was pleasantly surprised. It is very well put together and the acting is top-notch. Cuthbert won the 2001 Gemini (Canadian television awards) for best actress in a dramatic program or mini-series and Sherry Miller, who plays her mother, won the Gemini for best supporting actress. The movie premiered in Canada on 4/8/01 on CTV and 'lucky' for those of us in the US, it was picked up by Lifetime, who changed the title to "My Daughter's Secret Life." But whatever it is called, do yourself a favor and see this movie.


i watched this programme from start to finish i think its good acting but the plot line is quite scary actually at the end it was scary when katlin couldn't pay the money . what they did to katlin was scary and it's not like other movies/programmes.the acting was good so i give it a 10
