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Eye For An Eye

Eye For An Eye (2008)

July. 31,2008
| Action Crime

The devious brain behind a heist draws a top police detective, on the eve of his retirement, into an elaborate plot of robbery and revenge.


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Because,I really liked this flick,it starts of with 2 heists and at first I thought it was all about the money but as it progresses you learn that its about revenge and that the leader of the gang of thieves took a really long time to plan this all. Further more he choose the detective because he had a run in before with the business man and failed to make something stick on him because he was a powerful guy that is used to bribe his way out of things. The detective gradually discovers this and is than stuck with the dilemma of going along with this because it could mean the end of his career with the law enforcement agency he's working for. I'm giving this a 7 because it definitely has it flaws and especially the means that the thief has seems at sometimes a little exaggerated and not really explained. On the other hand its a movie and there for fiction and maybe to explain everything would have taken away from the pacing and than the story would have been boring. Personally I think it had enough entertainment value for a good crime thriller and was really surprised it only had 2 reviews. I recommend it and hope to see some more reviews in the future either bad or good. At least the movie deserves more attention than half of the flicks that come from Hollywood. Because especially lately thats also more of the same.


Eye For An Eye has a story so well trodden, you would be walking along a trench; a cop ready to retire who has to see the last job to the end, a devious new criminal gang appear toying with the cops and the established hoods who are well ingrained due to rife corruption in the system. All the makings of an entertaining yet familiar caper.One of the films two directors, Kwan Kyung Taek, is a big deal in South Korea. Massive success was achieved by his 2001 mega- blockbuster, Chingu, which still stands at number 19 on the all time box office receipts with over 8 million people splurging their money to see it. Kwan has never managed to match or even come close to the financial success . But I feel that his failings as a director are far worse. Chingu runs the gamut of tough upbringing gangsters, 2003's Mutt Boy seems to have forgotten what a plot is and replaced it with violence and Typhoon from 2005 is just plain daft. To put it bluntly the man is a poor director and perhaps the finest example of his flaws is Eye For An Eye. Kwan co-directs the second half f the film whilst Ahn Kwon Tae handles the second part. Given a fantastic cast including the always interesting, usually fantastic Cha Seung Won and the versatile Han Suk Kyu and a plethora of Korea's finest supporting actors combined with an intriguing revenge plot should be a recipe for cinematic gold. However in the hands of the two director's, they manage to create an erratic and extremely unbelievably performance from Han and develops no sympathy for Cha's character. The direction of the action scenes are poor, the editing makes the film more confusing than it needs be and there is a real lack of character development which devalues the story's twists and turns. Of late, many films have received unnecessary remakes,but this film is crying out it. It would be great if the same cast could reconvene but with a competent director who can develop characters and build tension. Overall, a great idea on paper but the execution is incompetent.

Collin Cook

High production values and good acting do some justice to a Korean film that is muddled by poor editing and an overall lack of coherency. The title is mis-translated to a cliché and generic action title with many a movie before it. The protagonist and antagonist do their jobs, and their is some creativity to the vs. aspect of the two, however, the other characters are easily lost and unrelated to. Only one other character is partially exposed by the camera. The movie goes for a bit of Oceans 11 heist-caper with some action elements. If you've ever watched popular Korean film, the reoccurring vengeance theme is present as well. I think somewhere in the development of this movie, someone was a little too overambitious. The plot drifts around. There's a definite effort to be unique but it end up being way too familiar. The classic scenario of the exchange of goods for the life of a friend is used. The editing at points is so jumpy and confusing it hurts. As I said though, it is not a terrible movie. The main characters are interesting and they have enough distinctness to make them real. If you are looking to watch a better Korean flick, you could watch Wild Card for a strictly cop action movie. For vengeance,director Park Chan Wook's vengeance trilogy would be best (Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, "....Mr. Vengeance", Oldboy. Or, for a slickly produced ,agrivating, get the bad guy movie, check out Chaser.
