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The Tillman Story

The Tillman Story (2010)

August. 22,2010
| Documentary

Pat Tillman never thought of himself as a hero. His choice to leave a multimillion-dollar football contract and join the military wasn't done for any reason other than he felt it was the right thing to do. The fact that the military manipulated his tragic death in the line of duty into a propaganda tool is unfathomable and thoroughly explored in Amir Bar-Lev's riveting and enraging documentary.


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Stefan Sorenson

Wow This film covered Pat Tillmans story to the fullest. I had little to know clue what expect from this documentary. but after watching it three times it has all settled in. Pat was a courageous man who wasn't looking for the spotlight, clearly by joining the war he proved that. It is outrageous that the Military would twist the facts of his death to paint a picture of the All-American hero when that wasn't who Pat was!!! Pats Family is a huge part of this documentary and you can really feel their pain seeing their son/brother being displayed and grabbed out by all the tabloids and political figures trying to push their cause.

Juhri Shinawatra

"If you shut up truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way." - Émile Zola, French writer.Pat Tillman left a multimillion-dollar football contract after he felt something about 9/11. he joins the military. when he was on the field he found facts about war which he didn't like it. yes, he accepted operations and ran it but in this documentary film, we can see and knowing, the operations that he fought for it, was bullshit. nonsense. he knew it.The stupid incident killed Pat Tillman and hey, he was famous guy so why we don't put his death on stage and set as the real hero and here we go the military manipulated his death, they tell lies to his family, his fans, his country. they made him a poster boy.when Amir Bar-Lev explored this case and all Pat's family talk, we know how great his mother, father and brother. they want the truth, they know that hero always comes to truth, not fake. this movie makes me think that everybody in this world deserve the fact about the truth. they don't deserve lies. I think people can learn so much think from this movie


We learn many things from this movie, but most importantly we meet Pat Tillman. We see live footage of him, we hear his voice, we get a sense of who he was. And we learn about the mystery and dishonesty surrounding his death. That's all important and great, but what bothers me about this movie is everything else that's in it. Frankly, there's just too much stuff, and none of it seems sufficiently dealt with. There's the beginning of a discussion about the Tillmans being atheist. There's the beginning of a discussion about the pros and cons of a life in the military. There's the beginning of a discussion about how far up the chain of command corruption reaches. There's the beginning of a discussion about why Pat was really shot. And there's the beginning of a discussion on how to honor his life now that it's passed. I don't think the movie really answers any of these discussions or gets to any sound result. And as for the whole documentary style, it's 100% lifted from Michael Moore's movies. The sequence of events is told all out of order, to make it seem cool and to keep us interested, and it does keep us, but only barely, and only because we're hoping the whole time that it will solve one of those mysteries. Since it never does, it ends up being a muddled mess of a movie about a family that is waking up and beginning to realize that something isn't right. The only problem is that they haven't put all the pieces together yet. That's why it would be more appropriately titled "A Chapter from the Tillman Story".


The Tillman Story - For a documentary this was a captivating film. It tells the story of professional NFL player Pat Tillman who left behind a Multi Million Dollar contract to join with his brother Kevin to enlist in the US Army's Rangers. Directed by Amir Bar-Lev it tells the story of a mission in Afghanistan when Tillman was shot in the head. The Military and US government initially said that Tillman was killed in heroic fashion in a firefight with the Taliban members of his platoon were given orders not to reveal what happen even to his brother Kevin who was at the tail end of the convoy. But little by little with lots of questions by his family especially his mom the truth finally came out as to what happen. Although evidence of who knew and how far the cover-up appears to have went all the way to The Bush White House only one 3 Star General was made a scapegoat . Pat knowing that because he was a high profile name that the military would want to use as a recruiting tool if something ever were to happen left written instructions that he did not want a military funeral. The military tried to push the family into signing onto one they refused and he did not have one. It is amazing to think that the US government and military would go to this length to cover-up a friendly fire incident but the United States government like all the worlds government's is Corrupt and there call for patriotism is as corrupt. I believe before any country commits to a war it should be required to read THE WAR PRAYER by Mark Twain (Look it up really read it). Pat was not religious he was a atheist at his funeral service his brother Rich said " Pat isn't with God he's F*****g Dead He wasn't religious but thank you for thoughts but he's F*****g Dead" Go see this Film
